✪chapter nine✪

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3rd POV 

     When the exhausted group arrived at Sam's house, Steve put the truck in park and shut off the engine before he and Natasha climbed out.

Seraphina was still unconscious in the back seat and Steve couldn't tell if she was even still breathing. He yanked open the back door where her head was at and he put two fingers against the bottom of her chin to check her pulse. 

He felt a weak one, but a pulse nonetheless. He sighed in relief and carefully pulled the blonde from the vehicle.

Steve had a better look at her in the light of day now. Her face was covered in soot and dust, much like he and Natasha, and her clothes were torn minimally in a few place after they climbed from the rubble after the explosion. And aside from being unconscious for an unknown reason, she was otherwise unharmed.

Steve rested Seraphina's head on his shoulder as her arms dangled limply. Then Steve and Natasha walked up to the side door of the house and Nat knocked.

A few seconds later, the blinds rolled up to reveal a sweaty Sam, who must've come back from his morning run. The man opened the door and looked at the exhausted bunch with confusion, seeing the woman passed out in Steve's arms.

"Hey, man," Sam said.

"I'm sorry about this. We need a place to lay low," Steve said to Sam.

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us," Natasha added.

"Not everyone," Sam said, moving aside to let them in. Natasha moved forward first and then Steve followed behind her carefully so he didn't hurt Seraphina.

"I got a room you can lay her in. Is she okay?" Sam asked the worn out captain.

Steve briefly looked down at the woman in his arms, feeling his heart race in his chest just like it did whenever he would look at Peggy all those years ago. "As far as I can tell, she just passed out a few hours ago," Steve told his friend as he and Nat followed Sam upstairs.

Sam opened a bedroom door and let Steve step inside. "You two can take the room across the hall and clean up. Let her rest," Sam offered Steve as he laid Seraphina on the bed gently.

Her head rolled to the side when Steve laid her down and he hesitated to leave. As he looked down at Seraphina, peaceful in the sleep she was under, he felt as though he should stay with her, but he also felt like he had to check on Natasha.

Steve looked at Sam with a worried gaze and he braced a hand on Steve's shoulder. "She'll be fine, man. I'll get her some water and Ibuprofen for when she wakes up. Go get yourself cleaned up," Sam told his friend.

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