10| Intel, my ass.

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• A/N: My tablet arrived and I'm really happy! For who's wondering which one I have, I have the Samsung galaxy tab A. Not this is not sponsored, I don't even think that's even possible on Wattpad... Anyhow, I really like how my tab works. Let's move to chapter 10.

I'm also going to skip a few episodes, mostly because it's a bit boring now. I'm skipping around 2 or 3 episodes! Sorry!

Thank you for almost 400 reads! It means a lot to me. Enjoy!

Song: California by SAARA.


The last few days where crazy. Scarlett her best friend, Raven, came to earth in a pod she rebuilt with a radio in it. In camp they saw it coming down but Bellamy insisted that they should go the next day just so he could wander around the woods that night to find the pod with the radio and Raven in it. He ignored the wounded Raven and took the radio with him, throwing it in the lake to avoide any contact with the Ark.

Along the way to the pod, Octavia and Bellamy had a fight which caused Octavia to run away and Scarlett to ignore Bellamy.

She wasn't mad at Bellamy because he killed the Chancellor but she was mad at him because he didn't go after his little sister and her best friend.

The next day the whole camp searched through the lake for the radio and made flares because fixing the radio would take longer than 3 days and they didn't have the time for that. They where about to kill hunderds of people because of the lack of oxygen, which they did because they didn't see the flares.

Then Octavia got kidnapped and they went over boundries and risked their own life to get her back. Finn got stabbed by the Grounder that took Octavia and now Raven and Scarlett where trying to fix the radio while Clarke kept an eye on Finn behind them.

"This is Scarlett Griffin and Raven Rayes. Calling Ark station." Scarlett said into the headphones, her voice becoming desperate. She handed Raven the headphones and she watched her best friend try but without any luck.

"Are you sure we have the right frequency?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Raven told her, getting annoyed.

"Raven, you can do this." Clarke tried. Scarlett turned around and gave her sister a small smile which she returned.

"Is Finn okay?" She asked as soon as her eyes fell on her other friend.

"He's stable for now. I just need Mom, I can't do this alone." Clarke told her honestly.

"I know, we're doing our best." Scarlett resured her and she turned around again, facing the radio and work of wires.

"This is a restricted station. Please, identify youself." A voice came through the radio after trying atleast another hundred times. Scarlett happily high fived Raven and she took the headphones of her best friends head.

"Really? That's what you care about? Scarlett Griffin and Raven Reyes if you really want to know." Scarlett said through the radio. "We're transmitting from the ground. The hundred are alive. You need to get my Mom, docter Abby Griffin. Docter Abby Griffin, now."

Scarlett waited for the voice to reply, which he did.

"Hang on Scarlett, we're trying to boost your signal." The voice told her and she listened, hearing some voices and finally a voice she wanted to hear.

"Scarlett, Raven, are you there?" Abby asked through the radio, longing to hear her daughters voice.

"M-mom, Mom it's me." Scarlett stuttered. There fell a silence but was broked again by Abby.

"Scarlett? I-is Clarke there?"

"Yeah, she is. Mom, we need your help. Finn was stabbed by a Grounder." She stated, slowly remembering that her Mom lied about her father's dead.

"Scarlett. This is the Chancellor. Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?" The voice of the Chancellor said through the radio. Scarlett was about to make a snarky comment but a voice in the back of her head stopped her, remembering that his son was killed by a twelve year old who killed herself to safe her and the rest of the camp and he didn't know.

"Yes, the earth is survivable. We are not alone." Scarlett stated instead, giving a proper answer. "Mom, he's dying. The knife is still in his chest."

"Okay." She heard some muffled sounds and then the Chancellor again. "Scarlett. Is my son still with you?" He asked.

"I'm so sorry. Wells is- Wells is dead." She stated, already knowing that he had a pained expression on his face, imagining different ways his son ended up dead. He could't guess. Scarlett unplugged the headphones from the radio, causing the voices from the Ark echoing through the drop ship.

Even though that storm was coming, Scarlett made her way outside. She needed some fresh air.

Scarlett was amazed how the weather could be so powerful but so beautiful at the same time. She watched the thunder and felt the ground shake beneath her.

As the storm grew heavier and stronger she got inside realizing that three people where missing. Bellamy, Monty and Jasper.

"Don't close the door!" She shouted to Monroe who was about to pull the lever. A good thing that Scarlett kept the door open because five minutes later they stumbled inside, dragging a person behind them.

"Bellamy!" Octavia yelled as she came down from the second floor. "'The hell are you doing?" She asked as she saw the uncunscious body from the Grounder behind her brother.

"It's time to get some answers." He stated, dragging the Grounder further into the drop ship.

"Oh, you mean 'revenge'?" Scarlett bumped in the conversation.

"I mean 'intel'." He corrected and Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"Fuck you and your 'intel'." She said as two of Bellamy his minions dragged the Grounder up the second level.

"Bellamy, she's right." Clarke said, finishing Finn his stitches. Scarlett and Octavia shot her a greatful look and turned to Bellamy again.

Abby her voice came through the radio once again, leaving a suprised Bellamy and a bothered Clarke.

"Look, this is not who we are." Clarke said to Bellamy who had his leader face on again.

"Clarke?" Abby her voice asked.

"It is." Bellamy mumbled, only letting Scarlett hear it, before he walked away.


Guys, are you still there? I finally updated! For those wo didn't read the message on my profile, I'm going into the last week of school and that means a lot of work. That's why I haven't updated in a while.

Thanks for those who stayed patience and I see you next chapter ♡


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