About |An Open Road|

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Liz Hemmings and Amy Renolds grew up together in Sydney, Australia. The best of friends, and then they grew up. Still in contact with one another, but like most parents, they got married and had children of their own.

When Jessica Renolds reached the age of 6 and Luke Hemmings reached the age of 7, their mother's started to arrange 'play dates', thinking that as they grew older they would become close friends.

Jessica's father has been recently diagnosed with lung cancer, which has taken it's effect on his family, and their friends, including the Hemmings family.

Jessica has gone into depression, because her best friend Lily committed suicide over the loss of her family in a car crash, her boyfriend cheated on her for the school slut, and her father's situation.

Luke and Jess never really liked each other in the beginning, but as they got older they realized how alike they were and instantly grew to enjoy each other's company.

Luke and Jess became the best of friends. Partners in crime. Superheroes in action. Anything they did, they were side by side.

If only Jess knew how much Luke needed her, and she needed him.

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