Chapter 3: Goodbye

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It was the night before Jungkook would leave. I couldn't sleep. Jungkook must have heard me silently crying, he rolled over and hugged me until I fell asleep.

-Next Morning-

I woke up still in Jungkook's embrace, wishing last night never ended. I felt him slowly get up when EunHyeon started crying. "Jungkook."


"EunHyeon, I'll take care of it." I sat up.

"You need all the help you can get, let me."

I nodded and let him do his thing. I got up and called my mum.

"You and Jungkook say goodbye and I'll take care of EunHyeon, you shouldn't have to say goodbye at the front door."

"Thank you so much, I love you." I was kind of nervous, this was the first time I was leaving EunHyeon with someone else.

My mum came not long after that. Jungkook started saying bye to her and EunHyeon.

We were all already crying. Jungkook was holding EunHyeon saying goodbye.

"Goodbye peanut." He laughed nervously.

I walked up and side hugged Jungkook.

"I need to go now, I love you. So much." He nuzzled his nose with hers.

"Are we going now?" I asked.

Jungkook nodded and we got in the car. As we drove off, my mum was out the front holding EunHyeon making her wave.

When we got to the airport, all these flashbacks came to me.


'I can be...'

  I lift up the box of chocolates and see one more note which had written on it,

'...Your perfect man'

My head was filled with thoughts. "I can be, your perfect man?" I looked at the box of chocolates and laughed.

"I can be your perfect man, so, will you be my perfect woman?" Jungkook walks through the front door with his head down.

I look over as he lifts his head, "Jungkook."

My eyes water as I walk over to give him a great big hug. He holds me tight.

"Was-" I start talking but is interrupted.

"Shh. Don't say a word. Yes. It was me. And I promise I will take care of you, protect you, always be with you. Can you trust me...?"


"You said-you said you'd always be with me." We were still sitting in the car.

"I know. Every day I swore that I would. I'm sorry."

We got out of the car and walked where we needed to.

"I'll call every day." Jungkook turned to face me.

"I wish you didn't have to go." I hugged him.

"I'll go and come back. Your family is supporting you. Unfortunately, I can't be with you forever, hang in there. We'll make it." He gripped my body tighter. "I love you." He whispered.

My tears ran faster down my cheeks. "You'll call on Christmas, right?"

"Every day."

When we let go, I looked deep into his eyes. He pushed some hair behind my ears and ran his hand down my jaw, and then holding my chin up. We heard the announcement for Jungkook's flight.


"Don't say goodbye." Jungkook kissed my forehead and slowly walked away.

I collapsed on the floor crying. "Jungkook, I already miss you."

I watched him leave, we shared one last look before he was out of sight. I caught a taxi home. When I got home EunHyeon was asleep.

"Eomma." I saw her and she gave me a warm hug.

"It's okay. Don't cry, I'm here to help. Don't cry..." I smiled with tears still dripping off my chin.

"I know, thank you." I let go and went to sit down.

"I can't believe they didn't let him stay for Christmas." My mum sat down with me. "And he was forced to leave his two angels behind."

"I know, it sucks." I said wiping my tears.

That night, It was hard to sleep. Jungkook wasn't next to me, the bed felt cold. I looked at the empty space blankly for ages.

The next day, EunHyeon was crying a lot. It wasn't as hard a I thought it would be, my mum was with me helping out.

I went to take a shower. I saw a note on it.

'I'm always in your heart.'

I held the note in my hand crying uncontrollably leaving my tears to fall on the note.

After my shower I ate breakfast with my mum and fed EunHyeon, she was so funny when we'd try to feed her.

This was the first day without Jungkook. The only thing that went wrong, was that I missed him a lot. It was hard for me to focus.


I was looking over the beach where Jungkook and I had our honeymoon. It was so beautiful. We were leaving the next day.

Jungkook walked up to me. "It is beautiful... Like our love." He laughed and carried me to the bed.

"Yah!" I was laughing but wanted to seem annoyed. I couldn't help laughing.

He flopped me on the bed and started tickling me. He climbed over me. He stopped tickling me and was hovering over me smiling widely.

"Yah, Jungkook." I laughed a bit. "I'm hungry."

"Too bad." He winked and pecked my lips quickly.

"Aw Jungkook please can we eat." I pouted.

"Nope." He pecked my lips again.

"Stop doing that."

He raised a brow smirking.

I grabbed his collar and pulled him down kissing him properly.


"Let me come home to you again, don't let me lose you too~"


I was sitting on the hotel bed.

"Six months is such a long time. Such a big business trip."

I sighed and flopped on the bed. "Your smile still echoes through my head."

Thanks for reading! Also end Jungkook Pov here lol.

Sorry for mistakes


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