Chapter 5: All Along

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New years wasn't a very big event for me. I watched the fireworks with my mum and EunHyeon and had a peaceful rest of the night.

About 5 and a half months after Jungkook left, I was talking to Bon-Hwa about something I've been curious about ever since I met him.

"But Bon-Hwa, There is no way that could be true."

"Our dreams are linked. You had the dream about Jun Seo dying from depression, so did I. The exact same dream. And all those other ones, like the one where we were speaking Spanish for some reason. My mum explained it but I'm still confused too." Bon-Hwa explained.

"My mum didn't want me to tell you this, but ever since you were born, I've been watching over you. I've been protecting you. When you were 11 years old, remember you thought you were being chased by someone. I was there protecting you." Bon-Hwa told me.

"I remember that.. Th-They pulled me away, h-how, y-you weren't there protecting me, Just watching me!"

"I DID HELP YOU, ANUSHKA. I was one of the people in the group of guys that were threatening you. I told them that you weren't the person they were looking for, and convinced them to leave."

"Wait, so all this time, you've been the bad guy?"

"Only pretend."

"Are you sure?!"

"At least I saved your life! Okay?"

"Bon-Hwa, why me? I know they've been chasing me down all this time." Tears filled my eyes. I didn't let them roll down my cheeks. "Why me?"

"Y-you." Bon-Hwa sighed. "You aren't normal, okay."

"Excuse me?"

"You were born, after your younger sibling died. You've been lied to, she's still alive. She got taken away, your family was being chased down by these guys. They wanted revenge on your father, they thought he was responsible for someone's death. You're older sister, is out there, I saw her. I was protecting her, now I need to protect you. The guys trying to get a hold on your family want your father suffer the pain of losing someone, so they target his family." Bon-Hwa explained looking deep into my eyes.

"I have an o-older sister. I was lied to! M-my father is dead! Can't they just leave us alone! I'm sick of losing people, everyone I loved, they're slowly disappearing!" I couldn't hold my tears any longer. "Jun Seo, Appa... Jungkook. Possibly my brother, Eomma, and sister I haven't even met."

"Jun Seo... He's D-"

"No. I meant-"

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Jungkook." As his name escaped my lips I felt cold and scared. "Jungkook, where are you? WHERE?! PLEASE, Come back." I was crying like never before.

I had lost hope. I knew, he was dead.

About 5 and a half months had passed since Jungkook left. I was finding life really hard without him.

"Why couldn't you have protected him?" I whispered.

Bon-Hwa gave me a hug and let me cry on his shoulder for as long as I needed to. "I'm sorry." He whispered.


Today, today is the day, Jungkook was meant to come back. I didn't bother waiting at the airport, calling him or any of his work mates. I just did the normal thing I did every day.

I was hanging out the washing. "It's finally not raining." I heard a familiar voice.

I turned around, "Eomma." I hugged her tight. "I haven't seen you in ages."

"How are you doing?" She asked me.

"I'm fine, how are you?" I asked back.

"Good, thanks for asking. Any plans for today?"

"Not much, why?"

She looked at me with a sad look. I knew what she was thinking and gave her a big hug. "I really am okay, don't worry about me." I gave an assuring smile.

"Are you sure? I- Okay, I'll try not to worry." She looked down. She suddenly looked back up with a smile on her face. "I made cookies!"

I followed her inside and we sat down and talked while eating her cookies.

"EunHyeon is getting big already." My mum smiled.

I laughed and looked at EunHyeon, "Yeah."

That night, I slept okay I guess. I got to sleep late, but stayed asleep the whole night, which was good.

In The morning I got up feeling very tired. I felt like it was time for change. I wanted to move the furniture around in my room. When I moved the bedside table I found a note. It was another one of Jungkook's notes he left before leaving on his trip.

I picked it up and sat on the bed reading the note out loud.

"I know you miss me, I miss you too. I hid this note pretty well, because I wanted it to be something you found after I'm gone. If you're reading this at least 2 months before I'm coming back, guess what! I'm in Hawaii! If it's a few days before I come back, or the day I do come back, I'm probably waiting for you. If it's past the day I was meant to come back, I'm here with you again, I went and came back like I told you I would. And if I'm not there, I'm not sure, but I want you to stay strong for me.

- Jungkookie oppa xx"

I started crying again. "Why Jungkook. You lied to me! You didn't come back."

I got ready and started eating breakfast. Suddenly, I got a text message.

'Jungkookie Oppa: 2 messages'

"JUNGKOOK?!" I picked up the phone and opened up my messages.

JK: Hey, I'm one of Jungkook's work mates. I've seen the worried messages you sent Jungkook. I don't know where he is either. I found his phone after the fire. I'm sorry you have to hear from me instead of him

"J-Jungkook..." I stared at the phone and started crying again. "He really is gone!"

I looked at the time and remembered that I told Kelly I'd meet up with her. "Damn it." I was running late.

On my way there I was scared for some reason. I felt shivers down my spine, I could feel someone's presence.

Before I knew it, someone pulled me into their embrace. I turned around, they still wouldn't let go. My eyes widened when I saw his face. "I- I k-know you." I was shaking.

"I've known you all your life. I finally got you." He shoved me against a wall gripping my hair. "Don't be scared, it'll all be over soon."

I saw him reach for something in his pocket. I shut my eyes, and suddenly, he let go of my hair and I heard a thump.

I opened my eyes, "B-Bon-Hwa."

"I told you, I'm here to protect you."

I rested my head on his chest, still shocked about what happened. What if he wasn't there? Was he always watching over me? I guess so. He was here all along, even in my dreams.


Stay lovely chingus!

Sorry for mistakes. stupid. annoying. mistakes. They ruin the moment don't they? :')


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