11: Little Secret

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Yuri and I were having so much fun. One thing I realized was that she kept looking places and smiling at nothing, oh that's right, it was something. I just needed to wait for it.

"When are you going to tell me the thing?" I pouted.

"The th-thing? The thing OH the thing yeah soon."

"Is it bad? Is  it sad? Will it make me go mad?"

"Are you drunk?" She laughed.

"Are you drunk? Can you get down to this... funk...?" I started bursting out laughing.

"Just be patient." She smiled.

I nodded and she got up. "Where are you going?"

"Just the bathroom."


I wasn't going to the bathroom. I went somewhere Anushka couldn't see me.

"Yuri!" I heard someone call.

"Oh hey!"

"Is it time?"

"Not sure. I'll text you when I'm ready... Awwwh you're crying! Ahhh! Aigoo you- sorry."

"Okay text me. I'm sick of waiting." He walked away.

Ha! They're perfect for each other!


Yuri came back and sat down with me. About ten minutes later, Yuri decided to tell me "The thing"

"The thing is...."

See what I did there...? XD Kill me.

"Yes..." I got nervous.

Yuri gulped. "I've been keeping a secret from you for a long time. And I should have told you earlier." She stopped when her phone beeped. "Oh sorry, I'll quickly reply." 

Yuri's text:

' Just watch and I'll give you a signal. You betta be ready, boi. :') The signal will be me sneezing ;) See ya soon!! '

"Okay, anyways. The secret. Uhm. I'm nervous sorry."

"It's okay." I began. "Only say it when you're ready. I know it can be hard. Wow, it's pretty cloudy, do you think it's going to rain?" I looked up at the sky.

"Probably." Yuri looked up too. She got another text.

Yuri: Sorry, Go back to doing whatever you were doing. Wait a little longer okay? So sorry!!

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Just ... actually just an old friend." She smiled and I looked at her suspiciously.

-Half an hour later-




Yuri and I sat down. "Okay. I can tell you now."


"What? Calm down." Yuri said.

"Okay. You can tell me now."

"Okay, this secret was meant to be shared when it was born."


"No there was just no other way I could put it. And I think you're drunk." Yuri said with a blank face.

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