Chapter 4: Christmas

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I woke up and got ready for the day trying to stay positive. Babies first Christmas, father isn't here.

My mum came over early. She got EunHyeon a cute Christmas outfit. I dressed her up and took a photo for Jungkook.

*One photo attached*
Merry Christmas! We love and miss you so much! xx

"Eomma! EunHyeon looks so cute in this!" I went up to her holding EunHyeon.

"Aww. See, I am good at picking out clothes." She went to put on the TV. "Ugh the news is depressing, don't you think? I'll change the channel."

"Wait! There's something about Jeon family's company." I sat down.

"A fire has broken out in America at a hotel where company owners were staying on a business trip, trying to enlarge their company. Five people have come out and are going to hospital in serious but stable conditions. 4 people have been claimed dead, and the rest have come out safe or with severe burns."

I covered my mouth out of shock.

"The cause is still unknown and is being invested."

My vision was blurry due to tears, but I dialed Jungkook's number.

No Answer.

I tried again.

He wasn't answering. Was he okay?

Later in the day I turned on the TV again.

"After the fire calmed down, people went in to investigate. In room 36, a photo half burnt was found with a lighter on it. On the back of the photo, what we could read said 'EunHyeon 25 Oct. 2016.' The photo was of a man and what looked like to be his wife and baby. Further down the hall we found a wedding ring..."

"Jungkook..." I whispered as tears rolled down my face. "This isn't what I wanted for Christmas."

"Investigators are looking in each room for ID etc. To see who the survivors are."

"Please, Jungkook." I cried and cried, and hoped that Jungkook was okay. 

I was invited to a family dinner that night. I tried to stay positive all night.

"I've never eaten here, It looks nice." I said to my mum as we walked in.

My brother, Two aunts, uncle, and some other people I didn't know were there. Everyone was going on about how EunHyeon is cute and special.

It was nice being around everyone, I just wished Jungkook was next to me.

-2 months later-

"I still haven't heard from Jungkook since Christmas, Eomma what do I do?"  I was crying next to her.

"I don't know, I really wish I could help. They haven't announced the survivors to us yet, he could be alive."

"No, he isn't, I bet he isn't." My mum hugged me as I cried.

She started crying. "When your father left, It was hard, I know how you feel. I still get so sad about it. It will stick with you forever, but you need to stay strong. Okay? Can you do that for me?"

I nodded. "Thank you for being here with me."

-1 month later-

Jungkook was meant to come back to visit this week. I was hoping that he'd come home. I sat by the phone with EunHyeon in my arms, watching as it rained outside.


During lunch, I was thinking about Jungkook leaving. "Jungkook... I- I don't want you to g-go." Tears filled my eyes. "I've only got 3 more months with you, we won't have new years together, you'll miss your baby's first Christmas. You'll be with your wife and newborn for a month before leaving for half a year, Jungkook. Please don't go."

"I don't have a choice." Jungkook started tearing up too. "You can't have a rainbow without a little rain, right?"

"It's been raining too much, it's too late, my heart's already flooded."


"Jungkook, please come home." I looked at EunHyeon's face. "Life without a father. I'm so sorry." I looked back out the window. "Never moving on from you Jungkook, but staying strong for you."

I Know It's a short chapter but yeah I'm ending it here. I was thinking of ending the story here but that would be evil...


Sorry for my stupid mistakes lol :P


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