Part 11 - Hi Delirious

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I've feeling we are slowly heading to the end. Bear with me :). Enjoy ^.^

(Delirious POV)
I really wanted to talk with Cartoonz about this day.

Did anybody recognize me at the panel? What did Vanoss said? Cartoonz is with Mini and Tyler?

I was waking from one side to another in my hotel room and waiting for the call, which didn't came whole hours. I was too tired to stay awake, so I went sleeping.

Early in the morning I grabbed my phone and check my messages. Nothing from Luke though. I texted him.

D: Dude, are you ok? Where are you?

I went to breakfast and then to last day of PAX. Around a lunch time, Cartoonz called.

"I'm sorry! I went to sleep and forgot that Evan had my phone." My heart skipped a beat.

"Evan what?" I almost yelled. I knew that Luke had some photos of me and with me. And messages. I had written him things about PAX and about our friends.

"Calm down. He brought me my phone later that night. But..." He stopped to take a breath, which I used.

"But?" I asked with concern.

"He asked about you. He was wasted, man. He won't even remember it by now." I blinked a few times and I had to stopped my fast beating heart.

"Asked you about what? What did you say?"

"He showed me a few pictures of you in my phone. He asked who was that guy. That he remembered you from the panel. I answered that you're my friend, but you're voiceless."

Fuck. I just hope Luke is right. I hope Evan believed him and won't remember a whole night. I know he would be pissed that I lied to him about my absence on PAX or other events.

"Ok. Look I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. I was just in shock. So what's your plan?"

"Well a few are still asleep. But Brock an Lui arranged meeting about 2 pm. at the front of the building. Our flight is departing at 8 pm. So don't forget to be there." I smiled.

"Will do. Thanks again."

Afternoon I went to bathroom. When I was washing my hands, the doors smashed opened. I glanced over Mini, who ran to the cubicle. I blinked a few times in confusion. After a while came Wildcat. He looked at me for a few seconds, but then he sighed.

"Mini... I know you're there. Answer me please." I knew I shouldn't be listening, but these were my friends. I went to the other cubicle and locked the door.

"Go away!!!" yelled Mini with shivery voice. My heart was pounding

"I won't go away. For fuck sake... Mini... I didn't mean to say it that way."

Whats going on?

"But you said it! You said it!" I was so into that conversation that I almost stopped breathing.

"I didn't mean it! Open the door."

"Never! Leave me be..."

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