Lily & James?

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    Are the rumors true? If they are, I want to get to Lily and congratulate her as fast as I can. Lily Evans is my best friend. I've always thought her and James Potter would be perfect for each other. The most recent rumors are saying they got together! Oh I hope they are true! I'm so excited for her!
    If they are together, then it could also possibly mean a teeny tiny plus for me as well. Not like it would ever happen, because he's obviously in love with Lily, but I have my eye on someone. Have had my eye on him since Lily introduced me to him in our first year. Except we're close friends now, and I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship. How am I ever supposed to confess to him?
    Ah I'm letting my mind stray from the here and now! Lily and James is what I'm focused on. Where is she? I've already checked the great hall. She's probably in the Gryffindor common room. There's a problem with that. I'm in Ravenclaw and it's a serious offense if we go into a different house than our own's common room. I'll just have to wait outside.
    "Yo gay bitch! Get out of here before we beat ya!" I sigh as the stragglers sitting at the Slytherin table snicker and throw wadded up napkins at me. I've dealt with their beatings and insults since first year when a Slytherin overheard me telling Lily about my sexuality. Blabbermouth. Too bad I don't know who it was. At least the majority of the rest of the school accepts me.
    I finally get to the painting that covers the Gryffindor common room entrance. I never liked how everyone calls her the Fat Lady. She won't tell me her name, but I always call her Miss. I nod to her, "Hello Miss Beautiful."
    She giggles in that flattered way; "Why hello good Sir (M/N). Come to see Lily Evans again?"
    "Of course. I must see if the rumors are true." She smiles at me knowingly, and I think back to when I first met the lady in the painting. It was the first day of first year, and I had gotten lost on my way to class. I knew I was on the seventh floor, and Lily had told me Gryffindor's common room was on that floor. I wasn't purposefully looking for it. I just stumbled upon the painting, and she started yelling something about a Ravenclaw first year trying to sneak into her common room. I explained myself to her, and she calmed down a bit. I then asked if she was guarding the entrance to the Gryffindor common room, and she asked how I knew it was there. I told her about how Lily and I were best friends. She thought I had a crush on Lily, and I had to explain to her my sexuality. She got that weird knowing smirk, and asked me who I liked at Hogwarts. That's how she came to know I like Severus.
    But he and Lily were best friends at that point, and it was obvious he loved her. I never said anything to Lily about wanting to be his close friend (because I was too afraid to say boyfriend) until they cut ties after our O.W.L.S. She was upset I didn't tell her at first, but she understood after I explained it to her. Even though they cut ties, it is still apparent Severus still has feelings for Lily. He tried to cover his sorrow in the Dark Arts, but I was there to keep him from going too far into them. He may give up his feelings for Lily now that she's with James, if the rumors are true. He despises James, and I don't blame him.
    James always picks on Severus. I've always defended Severus, so after awhile James and his group started picking on me too. Sometimes worse than Severus since Lily and I are still so close. It seems he and his group haven't gotten the news about my sexuality yet. I remember one time the group told every girl in school other than Lily that I liked them. That was a nightmare. I got so many love letters, even though they knew my sexuality. The majority of them were weird too, comparing my eyes to something colored exactly the opposite of what they are.
    "You're in luck. I hear her coming."
    "Thank you for not telling me if the rumors are true or not."
    "No problem sweetheart. I'll miss you after you leave."
    "I'll miss you too. Maybe I'll come back to teach."
    "If you do, make sure to come by and see me every day."
    "I will!" I laugh as she smiles. Her frame swings open and Lily hugs me.
    "(M/N)! Did you come to see if James and I are really together?"
    "Of course Lily. I'm guessing that's a yes?"
    "Lily, darling, let him see. He should be able to see the proof, not just hear it." the voice of James cuts in. Lily pulls away from me, laughing. She grabs James's hand, and he pulls her into a hug. He glares at me in a way that says "don't you dare try for her, she's mine." I internally roll my eyes and hide a laugh at his silliness. When will he learn I'm not into girls?
    "I'm happy for you two!"
    "Thanks, (M/N)!"
    "I've always thought you two would make a great couple. I'm happy to see it."
    "You should have told me! Maybe I would have listened!"
    "Ha, Lily Evans listen to relationship advice? That's hilarious."
    "I guess so," she smiles at me, and James glares even more fiercely at me. I'll hear from him later, I bet. It's not my fault he doesn't know I'm more likely to want to date him than Lily! Ew, no. Not James. EVER. If we were the last two men alive I wouldn't want to date him. It's his own fault on that one, picking on Severus and me all those years.
    "Let's go, Lily. It's almost time to go to Hogsmeade."
    "I need to talk to (M/N) about something alone really fast. I promise I'll be down soon!" At that I get the worst yet glare from James.
    "Of course." And he leaves after they hug, him smirking at me.
    "Oh he's so sweet isn't he? But James isn't what I wanted to talk about. It's Severus."
    "There is nothing to say about Severus."
    "(M/N)." her voice is suddenly serious. "I know you like him. I've seen the way you look at him."
    "N-no way! Me like Severus? That's impossible!" Despite myself, I feel my cheeks heat up in a blush.
    "Why did you never tell me?" She doesn't sound angry. Good.
    "Because it never happened, Lily. Even if I did like him - which I don't - he loves you. There's no way I'd have a chance with him." She pulls me into a silent hug. After we separate, she speaks.
    "You never told me because of that, did you? I'm so sorry. How long have you liked him for? I just recently saw it, but I'm curious now."
    "Since you introduced us?"
    "Oh (M/N) I'm so sorry I didn't notice it sooner!"
    "I've kept it hidden. From everyone. I'm actually surprised you found out."
    "You're my best friend. I was eventually going to find out."
    "True. I'm glad to have you as my best friend, Lily."
    "I feel the same. Now, we better get downstairs before they leave us!"
    "Wonderful idea. Race ya!" I take off running as fast as I can.
    "No fair! You cheated!"
    "You're faster than me, by a lot. I didn't cheat, I evened it out."
    "Silly (M/N)."

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