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(A/N) Literally that last chapter made me love Regulus so much. Should I start a new book based on a romance with him? Or I could take requests for any Marauders era character.

    "Lily!" I run as quickly as I can to her at breakfast. She smiles up at me from James' arm. I bounce excitedly, ready to tell her what I learned from Regulus earlier that morning. I pull out a slip of parchment I had written the potion on, and hand it to her. She looks at me questioningly. "Regulus said that's the potion Malfoy used on Severus." I explain quickly, still bouncing. She beams at me.
    "That's wonderful! Maybe we can find a reverse potion or spell!" I nod happily as I sit between Peter and Remus. Lily hands the slip of parchment to Remus, who reads over it carefully.
    "I'm not sure if I spelled it right, but I sounded it out." I explain. He shakes his head.
    "This is a wonderful start. But how did you talk to Regulus?"
    "I was wondering that too." Sirius cuts in, looking at the parchment in Remus' hand. I smile sheepishly.
    "I woke up early because of the storm. I was hungry from not eating, and went to the kitchens. After eating a lot of apples, I let my feet take me wherever. I found myself outside Slytherin common room. Regulus came out and tripped over me. It was my fault. We started talking, and I think we became friends." I gush out before cramming toast and eggs into my mouth. Lily laughs at me.
    "I see you're excited about this lead." I nod as I wipe the crumbs off my face. I shove more food into my mouth hungrily. Sirius, Remus, Peter, and James just stare at me. Lily laughs. "You've never seen him eat like a maniac before, have you? Sometimes he goes a few days without eating because he's working on assignments or something. I've seen this before." She continues to eat her meal happily, much more leisurely.
    After cramming three plates of food into my mouth in a matter of about two minutes, I push it away. "I'll be in the library. I want to see if I can find anything on the potion right away." Remus holds his hand up to stop me.
    "I'll help. Just give me a moment." I smile brightly. We both know sections of the library well. Working together, I'm sure we can find anything we need to very quickly.
    "Thanks Rem." Sirius gawks at me, not believing I'm taking away his boyfriend for the morning. (WolfStar for life!) I giggle gently, waiting impatiently for him to finish. I tap my foot for a moment before realising it causes a beat, and focusing on composing a little song. Once I am satisfied with my quick tune, Remus stands. I have a feeling he was waiting on me and flush.
    In the library, Remus and I split up to cover more ground. We both agreed to go to the sections we know the best before searching anywhere else. I pull out quite a few books on love potions, seeing as most of the sections I know really well are on potions for assignments. I flip through the pages casually, happy for alphabetical order. I flip to where I suspect the potion to be in each one, and start reading.
    I sigh in exasperation when I don't see the potion in the books. I hear Remus call for me, and after hurriedly putting up the few books I had left to put up, I hurry toward his voice. "I found it! I was beginning to think we would have to go to the restricted section." We both laugh and I look at the thick book on the table in front of him nervously, chewing on my bottom lip.
    "What does it say?" I ask quietly, not letting my hope shine through just yet. Remus frowns.
    "It's simple enough to reverse it, but I'm not sure if it's very possible." He pauses. "But I know you're the one who can do it if there's anyone who can." He points to a line in the book and I lean over to read it.
    "There is only one way to reverse the potion; the one who loves the affected with everything must kiss them. This does not work if that person is the one who used the potion on the afflicted." I groan but also sigh in relief. Good to know there's no way Malfoy can steal him from me by kissing him. I shake the thought away, not wanting to imagine my Severus and Lucius Malfoy locking lips. Remus sees and pats my shoulder sadly.
    "You can get him back. I know your love for him is strong enough to break it. It's just a matter of separating them and getting him willing to try. Love potions do some crazy things to the mind." I nod solemnly and thank Remus before we make our way out of the library, to our first class of the day. It's going to be a long, hard however long it takes to get Severus to kiss me.

Seventh YearOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora