Temporary Relief

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    I am not let out of the infirmary for a day, with strict instructions to keep bandages on my arms and go back to Madam Pomfrey each day. The second I walk into the Great Hall to attempt to eat for the first time since everything happened, I am smothered by Lily. I laugh lightly and push her away gently, holding her at arm's length. She looks at me in concern, and I frown. "You know something don't you?" She nods sadly.
    "Let's walk and talk. It's about Severus." I just nod solemnly and follow her out onto the grounds. I take in the crisp air, suddenly having a hard time breathing. She looks at me worriedly, and I shake me head to show I'm okay. She takes a breath and launches into what I'm afraid will be the end of me. "Lucius. He did it." I tilt my head when she says no more.
    "Excuse me?" She takes a breath.
    "He used a love potion on Severus. A strong one. I'm not sure how to reverse it. Even Remus has no idea." I feel my heart sink. I knew that jerk had something to do with it, but I never imagined it to be this bad. I look at her, silently telling her to continue. "I think he wanted to pull a prank on the two of you. He could also possibly like Severus as well. Covering it up with a prank is smart if he really does have feelings for Severus." I sigh and close my eyes.
    "Severus is wonderful. It wouldn't be too hard to believe someone else likes him." I scrunch my face up in pain. I hadn't expected saying that to hurt as much as it did. Lily pulls me into a quick hug, seeing my pain.
    "It just doesn't make since that there would be a love potion this strong." She shakes her head. I frown.
    "It makes perfect since. Someone unwilling to let go of a love they have lost could easily trick the one they love into being with them for eternity. All it would take is one sip. It isn't that hard to make someone drink something, especially if it is in their normal drink. Severus wouldn't have even known anything was different." My bottom lip trembles, and I fall silent. Lily gently strokes my back, trying to comfort me. "L-let's go sit by the lake."
    She nods and I run the short distance between us and the beautiful water, mostly to feel the cold wind bite against my skin, showing me I'm still alive. I sit and slip my shoes off, sliding my feet into the water. I flinch at the coldness, but soon get used to it. Lily sits next to me and watches the ripples make their way to the center of the lake. "(M/N)? You don't have to act like it doesn't hurt. I know it does. You can stop putting up a brave face." I nod slowly and let the tears fall.
    "I miss him. I don't even care what Malfoy did to me anymore. I mean I do but I know I'm going to have to live with it now." My eyes widen and I groan. "No! Dammit!" Lily, startled, turns her head to look at me. "I have to hide this from my parents." She takes my hand gently, stroking the back of it.
    "He's a horrible monster. He will get what he deserves." I nod slowly, but I'm not convinced. People like him never get what they deserve. They just get praise. It's almost like being bad is the right thing to do. But I'll never consider turning. I'm not that weak. I smile slightly at my conclusion. "What are you thinking?"
    "Nothing important. I was just amusing myself." I lie, not wanting to worry her more. I dig my toes into the sand below the water and laugh. Playing like a child has always helped me clear my head. Lily smiles lightly at me and pulls me into a hug.
    "I see you're using your defense mechanism." I nod and splash the water. I would usually worry about the giant squid, but I'm too sad to care. I smile mischievously and splash water toward her. She squeals and splashes some back at me. "Water fight!" I giggle as we splash each other to the point we are both soaked. I shake my head, spraying water from my hair onto her once we finish.
    "If you don't splash me for that you win." I say quickly, knowing it won't work. She pulls out her wand and levitates a bunch of water over my head, letting it go to completely soak every inch of me. I squeak as the cold water washes over me. "You win! You win!" I giggle and fall back onto the shore. She smirks and lays next to me.
    "Thanks for not getting my hair wet. Somehow."
    "I was careful not to. I know how long it takes for you to fix it." I turn my head and smile at her. "Thank you for taking my mind off Severus for awhile." She nods and sits up.
    "We should probably go inside and dry off. And the sun is setting fast." I pout and cross my arms over my chest.
    "But it's beautiful. I want to watch it."
    "You'll get a cold." Knowing she is right and not wanting to go to the infirmary again, I sit up and pull my shoes back on. I stand and help her up. We dust sand off of ourselves, and I groan.
    "Why did I lay back? My hair is covered now!" She laughs and smiles brightly.
    "It only takes a shower to fix it." I glare lightheartedly at her. We both know sand takes multiple attempts to wash away. "Thankfully I only got it on my clothes." I stick my bottom lip out in a pout. "I'm not going to pity you. I won." We both laugh as we head toward the castle. We share one last hug before we part ways, each of us going to our common rooms.

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