A New Friend?

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    I wake up in the middle of the night to the pitter patter of rain on the roof of the castle. I sigh quietly, knowing I won't be able to fall back asleep. After a quick check of time to confirm it is one in the morning, I shift my covers back and quietly escape my dorm to sneak out into the common room, then into the hallways.
    The sound of the rain is louder here, and I stop to stare out a window. I flinch lightly as a clap of thunder quickly follows a bolt of lighting. Great. I sigh as I continue on, focusing on the quiet in the halls instead of the storm outside. I shiver slightly as my stomach growls. I groan in protest. I haven't eaten anything in well over a day. Probably closer to two by now. My feet make their way to the kitchens, even though I doubt anyone will be there.
    I tickle the pear on the fruit painting lightly, rolling my eyes at how ridiculous and genius the hidden entrance is. I slip into the kitchens quietly, looking around in the dark for food supplies. I curse quietly as I bump into something, wishing I had thought to grab my wand off my bedside table. I eventually find some sort of fruit, and decide it is good enough. I bite into it curiously, letting the sweet flavor spread in my mouth.
    I smile in thanks I didn't get an odd fruit, just an apple. I eat it quickly, not realizing I was so hungry. I search around for more, my stomach now alive and really empty since I've eaten something for the first time in a coupe of days. I happily eat at least three more large apples before deciding not to over stuff myself, making my way out of the kitchens. Thank goodness for the house elves that leave food out for hungry night students.
    Making sure not to make too much noise because of the Hufflepuff common room, I hurry out of the hallway. I find myself walking randomly, no idea where I am going. I am soon outside of the Slytherin common room, and frown. I had no idea I was walking to here. I slide down the wall slowly, sitting right outside the door. I don't see a point in staying off to the side, considering the time.
    I hear another clap of thunder and pull my legs close to my chest. I hate storms, but this one mirrors how I feel inside. Gloomy. Not long after the loud noise, I am suddenly trampled on. I see a body fall in front of me and squeak. "I'm so sorry! I didn't think anyone would come out!" I whisper yell, scurrying over to the person to see if they at okay.
    To my surprise, I see Sirius' little brother. "Regulus?" He sits up slowly, looking me over. I can tell his eyes are adjusting to the darkness. He suddenly smiles brightly, all trace of fear gone. I suppose he had thought he was caught.
    "(M/N)! It's you!" He practically shouts, and I shush him. "Sorry." He bows his head in apology. I shake my head to tell him it's okay. "What are you doing outside the Slytherin common room?" He asks, significantly quieter.
    "I didn't know I was coming here. I let my feet take me wherever while I daydreamed." I smile sadly, glancing behind me. He nods slowly, giving me a sympathetic look.
    "You miss Severus right?" I nod carefully. He pulls a face. "They're all lovey dovey. It's disgusting." I feel my heart drop. I attempt to speak, but my heart hurts too much. Regulus notices and quickly tries to cheer me up. "Lucius got cock blocked today. The Prefects got tired of him making lustful eyes at Severus and told him to either stay away or stop. He tried to stop but failed, so now he's forced to stay away for three days."
    I smile lightly. "Is that so?" He nods happily. I giggle gently. "I hope he is forced to stay away forever." I say bitterly. Regulus reaches up and touches my cheek, wiping away a tear I didn't even notice was there. "Thanks," I mumble quietly, embarrassed. He looks at me in concern.
    "Sirius speaks highly of you. Says you're the bravest Ravenclaw he's ever met, and thinks you belong in Gryffindor." This causes me to look at him weirdly.
    "He says that?" He nods. I smile slightly. "I suppose I'm used to being teased." I pause. "Bullied." I fix, finally admitting it to myself. "But he really thinks I belong in Gryffindor?" He nods enthusiastically.
    "Yep! I think you do too." He bites his bottom lip nervously. "May I see...?" He motions to his forearms and I slowly nod. I unwrap the bandages carefully, cringing at the slight sting of the air. I offer an arm to him and he gently takes it, inspecting the dreaded word. After a moment, he frowns. "This isn't his handwriting." I bite my lip hard enough to draw blood.
    "It's mine." I quietly admit, ashamed for some reason. He gasps quietly, unbelievingly.
    "That's terrible! How could he!" I nod slowly, suddenly feeling sick.
    "I don't know how he did it. But I really wish they would just go away." I sigh. "I know they won't though. If Madam Pomfrey can't help, no one can." He nods in agreement, sadly.
    "Here. Let me help you wrap them again." I smile gratefully as he gently but tightly wraps the bandages back around my arms, being careful to keep the side with the medicine against my skin.
    "Thank you so much." I smile brightly, hoping I'm not showing as much pain as I feel. A thought comes to me. "Did you happen to see what Malfoy did to Severus?" He nods.
    "Oh yeah. He's been obsessed with him for awhile. His parchment is creepy." He shivers. "I'm too curious for my own good. I never want to see that again." I laugh sadly.
    "So it wasn't just a joke. He actually likes Severus."
    "I'm sorry." I shake my head.
    "You've told me all I could ever hope to know."
    "There's more. I can tell you the type of love potion he used." My eyes light up as I eagerly lean in to listen to the name.

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