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Sam wanted it to be a quiet night alone, but the banging and loud giggles next door made the night even worse for him.
"Don't touch me there!" the muffled voice of a young girl could be heard from Sam as he sat in the uncomfortable motel chair in his room.
He rolled his eyes and went back to his computer. Leaning on his hand he clicked open solitaire, his finger moving the virtual cards without even truly thinking about it.
He won in less than three minutes. Sam looked at the clock, not even an hour went by since Dean left. He sighed and leaned back in his chair, "Maybe I'll take a nap," he thought to himself, bored out of his mind.
So he got up from his spot and was going to kick off his shoes, and take a nice nap. But a pair of ice blue eyes stopped him in his tracks.
"Cas!" Sam was startled, "What are you doing?"
"Where's Dean?" Castiel asked with worried eyes.
"You don't know?" Sam said in a sarcastic tone with a amused smile, "Cas, its valentine's day."
"So?" Cas tilted his head in confusion. He didn't know what it meant, the only thing he knew about Valentine's Day was that loved ones share it together.
Sam could see that Cas had no idea.
"Sorry to burst your bubble Cas, but Dean went to the strip club."
A strong pain traveled through Cas that could even be felt by Sam, but Castiel didn't know the meaning of it, so he shrugged it off.
"You okay?" Sam asked after shivering a little, confused himself on the strange, sudden emotion that went flying through the room.
"I'm fine," Castiel said calmly.
"You sure?" Sam asked. There might not have been a physical presence to Castiel's emotions but they could sure be seen by the door his angelic blue eyes made.
"Well, don't get into any trouble alright, Cas?" Sam told him, acting like a father, but really, he was just worried for his friend.
Sam could always feel a presence when Cas was around Dean, and Dean around Cas. For the longest time he couldn't tell why Cas always gave Dean longer, soulful looks and when Dean met his eyes, Cas would always look away. Sam could even almost feel Castiel's heart beat faster when he was close to Dean.
On the other hand, Dean always had fun with Cas. He laughed at Castiel's confused looks, his odd questions and longing stares for answers. Sam could tell that Dean always felt happy and safe around Cas, though he would never, ever, ever, ever admit it.
So Sam could defiantly tell the spark between the two. Heck they're total opposites! And Sam didn't know why, but he approved of them. He would rather have Dean be with an angel that they knew and trusted than some random girl off the strip that could very well be a demon in disguise.
After snapping out of his own thoughts, Sam looked back to Castiel, who was deep into his mind, staring blankly at one of the beds that actually, happened to be Dean's.
"Cas," Sam said, getting Castiel's attention, "You can always wait for him here."
Cas stared at Sam for a moment, noticing his bored look and tired eyes he refused. "No, I'll just come back."
"Cas, wait!" Sam called out but he was talking to thin air as Cas left in a flash. Sam let out a long sigh, he truly felt bad for Cas. He knew the feeling of Dean leaving in to a bar without him, or not coming back when he was told to, and well.... The list can go on and on!
Sam rubbed his neck as he took of his shoes, worried for both his brother and Castiel. But yet again, Sam always worries.

There was about a five hour interlude before Dean finally got back to the motel room. It was now one in the morning.
Dean didn't know Sam was asleep because he opened the door with force, which woke Sam up.
"You're back early," Sam said as he sat up, rubbing his eyes from the dull yellow light that the lamp gave off.
"Yeah well, the girls weren't that pretty," Dean said as he shrugged off his jacket and plopped down onto the other bed.
That was defiantly a lie.
"Dean." Sam gave Dean one of his looks.
"What?" Dean snapped back, giving Sam one of HIS looks.
Sam rolled his eyes, might as well get to the point.
"Cas was here," He said, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV as if Cas being here wasn't a big dean at all.
Dean was immediately interested.
"What did he want?"
Sam shrugged, "Nothing really." he smiled a tiny bit, enjoying the discomfort he was giving Dean.
"Sam, come on, Cas NEVER shows up without needing to tell us something." Dean was getting annoyed.
Sam decided that it was best to tell him, not to get him even madder, "He was looking for you," Sam said calmly.
"Why?" Dean was immediately worried, "What did he want?"
Sam was struck with confusion at Dean's expression, "Dude calm down, he just wanted YOU."
Dean's face then fell, Sam could see sadness stricken all over his face, and maybe even some guilt.
"Do you know where he went?" Dean asked.
"No, sorry..." Sam gave Dean a sympathetic look.
"I'll go look for him." Dean got up quickly and grabbed his jacket.
"Want me to go with you?" Sam asked. And the only reason he did so was to make Dean seem as if Sam had no idea what truly went on between Dean and Cas.
"No stay here." Dean quickly stepped out the door.
"Bye!" Sam chuckled and went back to the glowing screen of the TV.

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