Part Two

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With Castiel's hand firmly in his own, Dean raced back into the woods and Cass had a tough time keeping up with him for his eyes were not as adjusted to the twilight than the thief was.
"Woa!" Cass would occasionally trip over a stick or rock and Dean was right there to happily catch him.
"Where are we going?" Castiel's finally asked after a long while of tripping over what seemed like every branch and rock in the twisty woods.

"Were going to my car." said Dean as they reached the edge of the woods. They were just about to leave the woods when something caught Dean's eyes and he pushed Cass back behind the bushes.
"What?" Cass was startled as they both knelt behind the bush.
"Shh!" Dean put a finger on Castiel's mouth as he looked through their hiding place. A blush lifted on Cass's cheeks and he was glad it was night.

He shut up immediately.
"Crap," Dean mumbled under his breath.
"What?" Cass quietly asked back.
"It's my brother." Dean sighed.
Cass followed his gaze and looked through the bushes to the road ahead.
None the less, there was the tall and big shouldered brother, Sam, pacing back and forth in front of Dean's car.
"Alright," Dean sighed, "stay here." he then got up and plowed through the bushes, leaving Cass behind to watch.
Dean sprinted across the road to meet up with his brother.
"What the he'll, man!" Sam glared at his brother, "what the he'll took you so long! And where's the lute?" Sam blabbered.
'Oh shit! The jewels!' Dean thought as he remembered he left them back by the Capulet house.
"Dude... Are you serious?" Sam said in his angered voice, "How could you not get them!"
"I'm sorry okay!" Dean snapped, "It wont happen again!"
The boys glared at each other for a moment, their emerald eyes blazing. "You should get back home," Sam said with a shrug of his shoulders, "dad will be pissed." and with that, Sam turned and walked to his own car. The engine sprung on and he quickly rode away down the dark road.

Once the backlights on Sam's car faded away, Cass sprung up from his hiding place and walked over to Dean who was leaning against his black 67 Chevy Impala.

"What was that about?" Cass asked and Dean sighed.
"Nothing, now come on get in." Dean opened the driver side door and got in. Castiel hesitated before quickly jogging around the car and getting into the passenger side.
There was silence as Dean revved up the Impala, turned the large car sharply and drove the opposite way of where his brother went.

Cass nervously tapped his leg with his fingers as Dean drove.
You're not kidnapping me right?" he asked bluntly and Dean let out a laugh.
"I wasn't going to but that DOES sound like a good idea!" Dean smiled and Cass gave a look of distress.

"Don't worry your cute little ass I ain't kidnapping you," Dean reassured the young Capulet and pulled off onto a dirt road.

"Then where are you taking me?" Castiel asked.

"Somewhere safe." Dean answered.

"Safe?" asked Castiel.
"No one but me, my brother and our uncle Bobby knows where it is. It's sort of a hide out for us. Too get away y'know?"
"And you're trusting ME with this?" Castiel couldn't believe it.
There was a pause,
"Yeah. Yeah I guess I am," Dean smiled, "for some strange reason I trust your cute ass."
"You're such a Cocky bastard," Cass blurted out, "you don't KNOW me, I could be undercover for all you know!"
"Are you?"
This caught Cass off guard, "well n-no! But still." he stammered.

"Well okay then."
They drove one more mile before reaching an open area with a small stone house in the middle of the open field.

Dean parked the car.

"Wow, it's beautiful!" Cass stared at the little cottage in awe.
"Yup!" Dean grinned, "Just like me."

Cass rolled his eyes and got out. Dean followed closely behind, watching the Capulet walk and under the cool moonlight he looked like an angel. Dean swore that at any moment, beautiful white wings could have sprung out from his back and spread out like a beautiful Swan.

Anyway, Dean caught up with him and unlocked the door, "come on," he said and walked inside.
Dean flipped on the light switch and the place came to life with an orange glow.
Cass examined the place for a minute then turned to Dean, "so what are we doing now?" he slightly smiled.
Dean grinned and flopped down on the couch, "To get to know each other of course." Dean winked.
"God you are cocky." Cass whispered to himself and walked over to place himself next to Dean on the couch.


Back at the crime scene, the Capulet police force search everywhere for a print or evidence of some kind to throw at least one of the Montague's in jail.
They found nothing.
However they did fond something.
"Hey lieutenant," Gabriel, the goofy wise ass brother called him over, "the Montague left us a present." Gabriel held up a ragged towel and written on it was, 'never gonna catch me you dicks.'

Gabriel chuckled at the statement, "what a cocky bastard whoever it is."
"Don't be so dumb," Michael growled, "you know who it was."

"Yeah, yeah." Gabriel shrugged and walked away, "I'm tired. I'm going home." he said as he walked out the door and others followed.
Michael's face was red with rage because he was angered that they had found nothing but he accepted the fact and also left.

Some went home and some went back to the police station. Michael was going to return back to the police station but he then remembered his little brother, Castiel, so he decided to return back home momentarily.

As he drove into the driveway he noticed that Castiel's light was still on. Michael smiled thinking of how much a good boy Castiel was.

"Castiel!" he called out as he entered Cass's room, "I brought a cheeseburger for you... Castiel?" Michael looked around the room to find it empty.
"huh." he then walked to the balcony area to find that Cass was also not there. Michael leaned on the balcony, "maybe he's just in the bathroom or something," he thought to himself and waited.

Michael then felt a presence behind him, "Gabriel..."
"Oh darn! You caught me," Gabriel lightly chuckled, "what are doing out here, bro?" he asked Michael.
"Wondering where our little brother is. You know he's not supposed to be out at night."
"Oh who cares! He needs a life anyway." Gabriel leaned against the balcony with Michael.
They both were silent and stared off into the space below.

The moon was high in the sky and shinning down brightly on the two Capulet's.

Something glistened in the bushes.
"What's that?" Gabriel asked and Michael swiftly jumped off the balcony to investigate. Gabriel watched as Michael grabbed a small bag and lifted out the stolen jewelry.

The jewels sparkled in the moonlight and the two brothers stared at each other in awe.

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