Fairly Tail

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hunter, whose dream was to destroy Lucifer. His name was Dean, but he was also secretly the prince of a far off land. He was lonely, and was searching for his true love, the princess of a land neighboring his own, princess Castiel.

Yet, one day, he discovered that the evil witch Zachariah had stolen his beloved away. Prince Dean ventured off immediately, wishing to save the princess.

On his way, Dean met with a kindly dragon, who had recently taken to drinking the blood of demons. Prince Dean knew that this would only hurt the good dragon, and helped him to stop. Now tamed, the dragon Sampala (or Sam for short) told prince Dean to hop up on his scaly back. Together, they flew off towards the witch Zachariah's castle, where Princess Cas was caught under a cruel enchantment.

Prince Dean, with the help of Sampala, defeated the evil witch! They had to hurry before the spell claimed princess Castiel... FOREVER!

Prince Dean rushed up the stairs to the highest room of the tallest tower, where Castiel was asleep in bed. The evil spell could only be broken by...


Dean slowly leaned over the young princess's sleeping body, admiring her...his...her beautiful face. It was time for the lovers to share their first kiss, awakening the lovely princess. The beautiful princess Castiel blushed as she realized her lips had been stolen by this handsome young stranger, whom she was very attracted to.

Dean swooped Cas into his arms and they flew away on Sam, off to be happily wed.

And they all lived happily ever after. The end.

~§Author's note§~
Hope you guys like my book so far I try to update as much as possible but I kinda forget sometimes.... Sorry! Well anyway I had originally wrote this one as a bed time story for my 3 year old brother and sister but thought to post it because its cute and people might like it?

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