Part Three

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"THAT BASTARD!" Michael growled as he threw the jewels up to Gabriel, "he was here! He probably kidnapped Castiel!"

"HEY," Gabriel got his attention, "calm down will ya? Don't predict things either. Like we said, Cass could just be out for a walk!"

"I don't believe it." Michael grumbled.

"Look, just come back inside and we'll wait a little while, if Cass doesn't come back we'll go search for him, okay?" Gabriel assured him.
Michael didn't like it one bit, but he agreed with his brother and walked around the house to get back in from the front.

Gabriel looked down and the sparkling jewels in his hand. "Why would he leave these..." Gabriel thought, "If the Montague's wanted to kidnap one of us, they would leave a note, not the thing they just stole. They don't even know about Castiel anyway!" Gabriel chuckled, "I hope you know what your doing Cass, I really do." Gabriel stared back up into the twilight sky with hope for his brother.


*back at the cottage*

"you know Cass, I never realized how beautiful your eyes are." Dean grinned at the angel who sat in next to him.
"Are you hitting on me?" Cass glared and Dean chuckled.

"Boy I've been hitting on you since I picked you up."

"Why is that?" asked Castiel and the question stumped Dean. He backed off a tiny bit, trying to figure out what to say.

"Well I... I dunno I just think you're kinda hot I guess..." Dean mumbled.

"I don't believe that crap," Cass snapped.

"What crap?"

"Love at first sight. It's stupid. Destiny I believe in, and fate but-

"If you believe in fate why don't you believe in love at first sight? Like what if it was fate for us to find each other, wouldn't that be the same thing?" Dean cut him off.
Cass was then suddenly staring blissfully into Dean's eyes and Dean did the same back to him. The moment seemed only like a second to them, but the amount of time that passed was at least more than a minute. It was as if a supernatural force was binding them together and their eyes could not let go of each other until the moment had passed.
None of them realized it, and when they both snapped back into reality they went back to arguing.
"I don't think it's the same," Cass admitted and shyly looked away.

"Oh really?" Dean smiled as he could see the erg in Cass that was fighting to not look back into his emerald eyes. "Look at me, Cass," Dean almost demanded and at first Cass did not look but that erg that bubbled inside the Capulet was to much for him to bear and he looked back Ito Dean's eyes.
"Hey there." Dean grinned and before Cass could even realize it, Dean's lips were smacked firmly onto his own.
Cass tried to pull off but Dean kept pushing forward, so much so that Cass was now on his back with Dean softly on top him, his lips still intertwined with Castiel's.
Bliss simply surged through Castiel and he felt high. High as if he was flying up with the clouds and Deans arms were safely around him. Cass's subconscious mind clutched Dean's shirt as they kissed. Is this what love feels like? He thought to himself.

On the other side, Dean was completely conscious and could tell the high state of hypnosis he put Cass under.
Dean slipped his tongue into Castiel's mouth and he was now fighting off the same high in himself in order to watch Castiel's expressions.
Dean smiled as Castiel kissed back and a tiny moan found its way out of Castiel's throat.
Now for the next move.
Dean slowly reached Down and started to lift up Cass's shirt, but the gesture snapped Castiel out of his high and his eyes shot open. He looked around quickly, almost as if he had forgotten where he was and his eyes suddenly locked on to the clock on a table.
"OH NO!" Castiel shot up, almost flipping Dean in the process, "it's so late! You have to bring me home!" Cass begged and Dean was almost to bewildered to believe it.
"If Michael finds out I'm gone he'll kill me!" Castiel shot off the couch and headed to the door. Dean rolled his eyes and sighed, "Fine," he said and walked to the door.
Dean met Cass at the door and they had one of their staring moments before walking to the car.
The short ride was in silence and Dean wondered if Cass even remembered anything. 'He has to,' he told himself.

Dean stopped about a mile away from the Capulet's house a pulled off to the side. "Walk from here," he said, "I don't feel like getting mauled by your brother."
Castiel chuckled, "true," he said with a nod and there was a pause before he looked back into Dean's eyes and asked the dreaded sentence, "Will I ever see you again?"
Dean looked back into Castiel's. He wanted to say yes but deep down he felt that whatever he said would have been a lie, and he couldn't lie to Cass. So he didn't.
"I dunno Cass... I don't think so." Dean frowned and looked away.
Castiel didn't answer. He got out of the Chevy and started to walk down the dark road.
Dean didn't bother to watch him leave, he simply couldn't bear it. So once Cass was a little down the road he sharply screeched his tires and turned around, the Impala screamed as it zipped down the opposite way.
Castiel didn't bother to turn to watch Dean leave either and as he heard the engine of the impala fade, something just seemed to tear his heart apart.

Meanwhile, Michael was sitting in the chair by the front door of the house, waiting.
"He hasn't come home yet." he mumbled to Gabriel who was leaning against one of the doorways. Gabriel was sucking on a bright red lollypop and once he sucked it obnoxiously he answered with, "don't get your ass on a fire, he's fine."
And Gabriel was right for in a matter of moments later, Young Castiel walked into the Capulet door with the best content and normal facial expression he could gesture.

"uh...hey." he mumbled once he saw his brothers.

"Where were you?" Michael quickly snapped, "we were worried sick!"

"Correction Michael," Gabriel chuckled, "you were worried."
Michael chose to ignore his brother and focused his attention to Cass.

"I-I was taking a walk..."

"HA," Gabriel laughed, "I told you so."

"Shut up Gabriel!" Michael snapped and then quickly changed the subject, "Castiel," Michael lowered the volume in his voice, "Gabriel and I found stolen jewelry near your balcony. The stolen jewelry from the robbery." he paused for something from Castiel, but all he did was stare deeply into Michaels eyes. His heart beat grew faster as it finally sunk in that Dean did steal those jewels and left them there. But he honestly didn't care for some reason.

"Well?" Michael growled, "explain!" he demanded.

"I. I don't know what your talking about!" Castiel defended.

"Me neither Mike," Gabriel suddenly cut it, "what are you talking about?" Gabriel licked his lollipop.

"What? Gabriel you were with me!"
Gabriel shrugged, "still don't know what you're talking about."
He said and smirked. The smirk was a gesture towards Cass saying 'I got your 'back' but to Michael was a gesture of pure annoyance
Michael took a deep breath, "fine." he growled and walked away.
Once Michael was gone, Castiel turned to thank his other older brother but Gabriel was mysteriously gone as well, the only thing left was Castiel and a lollipop stick on the floor.

Back at the Montague's, John and Sam anxiously awaited Dean who seemed to take forever since Sam had seen him last. John and Sam saw the Impalas headlights from down the road and they both met up with him outside.
Dean walked up to both of them, "hey, Sammy." he smiled to him but the smile went to a straight line once he looked at his father, "sir," he said in a military like manner.
When nothing was said Dean simply started with an apology, "I'm sorry about the jewels."
"Never mind that." John glared at Dean, "I thought they had caught you, you were so late."
"It won't happen again, sir." Dean glared back.

"It better not." John growled and walked quickly back into the house with Sam following slowly behind.

"That didn't go all that well did it Deany?" a voice called from behind, a Scottish voice to be exact.
Dean whipped around and was looking at a stout man with short black hair and what seemed like an evil glare in his eyes.

"Who are you?" Dean quickly demanded and the man chuckled.

"The names, Crowley," he said, "I'm going to work with your dad on some things." The man, Crowley grinned and Dean couldn't tell if it was an amusing smile or an evil smile.
"I can help you out too." Crowley said in his deep accent that seemed almost 'right' for his character.
'Help me? Help me with what?' Dean thought to himself.

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