Back In The Closet

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Dean had noticed something about Cas that sparked his curiosity; he was shy when it came to public displays of affection. The angel would flinch away from his touch if Sam were in the room, preferring to not to acknowledge how close he was to Dean in front of Sam. It was the small things that Dean would notice and he could only come to one conclusion; Castiel was in the closet about their relationship.

It wasn't like Sam wasn't suspicious; Dean recognized the looks that his little brother would give him on occasions when Sam thought that Dean didn't realize he was watching. The curiosity in Sammy's eyes was unmistakable and the occasional knowing looks that Sam would give him said all Dean needed to know, but even when Dean pointed it out to Cas, the angel still refused and denied any signs of affection in the presence of others.

Sam, however, had gone out to do some research at the local library in the town they were currently staying in, leaving Dean and Cas alone. The angel was staring at something on the table, his expression blank. Dean placed a hand on Cas's shoulder, giving it a light gentle squeeze. "You alright Cas?"

"I'm fine." Cas glanced up at him with those stunning blue eyes that seemed to stare right through Dean to his very soul. "Dean?" he asked as Dean turned to walk back to the bed.

He glanced back over at Cas, the angel having taken hold of Dean's hand. "Yeah Cas?"

"You are upset with me?" Cas asked with a small frown that made Dean want to pull Cas into his arms and hug him tight.

"I'm not," Dean said sitting beside Cas at the table holding his hand. "Why would I be?"

"Because of how I act when your brother is around."

It took Dean a moment to realize what Cas meant by that, and when he did figure it out, he stood up pulling Cas to his feet and into his arms. There was a look of surprise in Castiel's eyes when Dean looked at him, surprise and confusion. "Cas, that doesn't matter, it's not a big deal." Dean smiled at Cas, pressing a light kiss to his forehead. "Don't worry about it."

Cas met Dean's gaze, leaning forward and kissing him gently, and Dean returned the kiss. Dean pulled Cas up against him, holding him possessively, deepening the kiss slowly; attempting to coax a response from Cas.

A smile formed on Dean's lips as he felt Cas wrap his arms around him, his fingers brushing against the base of Dean's neck. And they were lost to the moment in each other's arms; nothing could possibly pull them apart and the world seemed to melt away from them.

At least it was until Dean heard the distinct sound of the Impala pulling up outside the motel room, signaling Sam's return. "Shit," Dean muttered against the skin on Cas's neck and did the first thing that came to mind. He reached behind Cas, yanked open the closet door and shoved them both inside it. Dean reached up and turned the light inside the closet on before he glanced at the angel.

Cas looked incredibly confused for a moment, his tie hanging loosely around his neck, his shirt wrinkled, and there was a distinct bruise on his neck. Before he could ask Dean why they were now in a closet, Dean kissed him again both because he wanted to and in an effort to distract Cas as the sound of the motel room door opening caught Dean's attention.

The door the closet opened and Dean pulled back, both him and Cas turning to look at Sam, the younger Winchester brother staring at them. The startled and surprised look on Sam's face brought the faint hint of a smile onto Dean's lips, still leaning close to Cas, and still holding the angel.

Dean opened his mouth to speak, but Sam held up a hand, shaking his head. "No, I don't want to know, and I don't need to know. It'll take days to get this image out of my head," Sam said and promptly closed the closet door.

There was a grin on Dean's lips as he looked back at Cas and saw the blush the colored his angel's cheeks pink. "Now..." Dean whispered into Cas's ear. "Where were we?"

"Dean we're in a closet," Cas said, lightly pushing Dean away, a confused look in his eyes.

"Cas you already were," Dean replied and kissed him again as he reached up and turned off the light.

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