Part Five

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Dean was dreaming. He didn't want to believe it, but he was. He could tell, because he was actually happy, and he didn't want to wake up.

He was even laughing. Laughing so hard that his cheeks started to hurt and his stomached started twisting.
"Castiel!" Dean laughed, "What were you doing?"
Castiel was on the floor, his hair, face and body covered in spots of powdery white flour. "I was trying to bake you a pie." he explained, looking down.
Tears started to developed on the corners of Dean's eyes as he hunched over, trying desperately to stop laughing, but the laughter just kept coming.
"You didn't have to do that!" he said, starting to calm down.
Castiel looked up at him, his blue eyes swirling with utter sadness, but once he looked into Dean's eyes everything just seemed to come into place. He smiled and lifted himself up off the flour covered floor, his eyes never leaving Dean's own. Dean grinned back at him, his laugh attack finally over.
"What do we do now?" Castiel asked, not even bothering to wipe himself off yet.
Dean smiled, a laugh almost escaping as he looked at the blotches flour on Cass's face. Dean softly smudged Castiel's cheek, "I could always lick it off." Dean said with a playful grin.
Castiel smiled back and leaned in closer to Dean. "Will you help me with that then?" he said and Dean replied with a Gigantic grin. "Then let's get started."
Dean clutched Castiel's powdered shirt and pulled him to his own lips. Dean could taste the flour as his tongue explored Castiel's lips and mouth. Dean clutched Castiel's shirt even tighter and pulled him as close as he could to his own body. He didn't want to let go. He couldn't let go. He didn't want to let go. He couldn't...

the image was gone.
Dean was back inside his head and back to reality. It was dark, black and cold.
Dean opened his eyes with a grunt. He was in bed, but an unfamiliar bed. He knew this because of how comfortable the bed was and he didn't want to get up.

He took a breath and slowly sat up. Notches of pain sprung from his bruises. He was up now and he looked around. It was a small room, the only furniture in it was the bed, a dresser and a cabinet. Dean threw the blankets off of him and placed his feet on the floor. The floor was metal and so cold that it felt like Dean was stepping onto a sheet of ice.

His feet took a second to adjust and once they were he stud up, the notches of pain flew trough his nerves and his eyes squinted. He looked down upon himself and noticed he was wearing only his boxers and his t-shirt that still had some splotches of blood.

He carefully stretched, trying not to hurt himself and his backed cracked. He deeply moaned, "AH that felt nice." Dean grunted and made his way to the door that was notched open slightly. He opened it, peering out he braced for anything. He noticed that the room led to a small metal hallway that led immediately to the left and right, leading to other doors that were probably other rooms like the one he was placed in.
Dean looked straight ahead and there was no wall but a metal railing and below it was a huge room. Dean looked to his left and noticed a black metal swirling staircase foot down.
Memory of the day before came to him now and as if a light bulb went on, he called out, "Castiel?"
His voice echoed but nothing answered him back.
Dean sighed and made his way to the stair case. He subconsciously clutched his burning side.
"Probably broke a rib..." he thought with a painful moan.

Dean desended down the stairs and halfway down he could smell what seemed to be the aroma of bacon. He sniffed, yep, defiantly bacon.
"Cass?" he called out again and looked around the large room.
"Dean!" a muffled voice seemed to come out of the wall to the left of him and his head tilted, "What the..." he started to say when part of the wall started to move and a camoflodged door way opened and Castiel emerged from it.
"Good morning, Dean." Cass said calmly as they made eye contact.
"What are you doing?" Asked Dean with a smile and Castiel replied, "Making breakfast."
"You know how to make breakfast?" Dean smiled amusingly and Castiel gave a slight glare.
"I'm not useless." he stated, turned on his heals and went back through the doorway.
Dean followed and stopped the door from slamming into him then walked into what was the kitchen.
Dean squinted from the almost doctor like blinding light that emitted from the lights on the ceiling and tried to find Cass.
The aroma of bacon filled Dean's nose and it tickled his senses. Once his eyes adjusted he found Cass in front of the stove, a pan of bacon sizzling next to a pan of cooking pancakes.

"Where did you learn to cook?" Dean asked.
"You learn things when your stuck alone in the house."

Dean nodded, the bright light starting to get to him, making his head pound.
"I'll be on the couch!" he said and left.

Dean carefully sat down, even his ass hurt. He leaned back and closed his eyes, the huge fan above him making long drawn out sounds as it turned slowly.

It was peaceful now and he was about to fall asleep when he heard the large metal door staring to open. He looked towards the front door and waited.

When the door opened two figures stud in the doorway and cass hurriedly came out of the kitchen.

The two figures came into the light.

"Gabriel?" Castiel said, almost in a whisper.

Dean got up quickly, his eyes widened, "Sammy?"

~§Author's Note§~
I don't know what to do from here...
I had originally made this for my final exam Romeo and Juliet remake paper so I don't know how to finish...
Well I hope you liked this. I will update a new one shot asap.

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