Right Here Waiting

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As if the week had not be stressful enough, Dean had found himself thrust into the future against his will, and so far he had not liked what he had seen, not just because his future self was a complete dick, and Sam was no where to be seen. It was the extremely drastic change in Castiel that had startled him the most, the way that future Dean acted with the ex-angel. They were cold to each other, not to mention the fact that Castiel was essentially on a constant high.

Back in his own time, back in 2009, he and Castiel were friends; hell they were almost more than friends as his damned heart and mind kept reminding him. The thoughts that he had about the angel back in his own time; it took all his strength to hide the thoughts from Castiel. Though once or twice he had knew almost instantly he had failed, occasionally catching a blush on his cheeks and only smiled when Castiel would sheepishly turn away from him. Castiel was by far one of his best friends, and Dean had been doing his best to try and convince the angel of that, even if his way of going about it was…flawed. He was doing his very best.

Though as he would quietly watch the way Castiel acted around future Dean, it made him wonder what the hell happened. Castiel would shrink away from Dean as if he was a child being yelled at by a parent, and worse… If FD (future Dean) raised his hand, Castiel's body would go stiff, and he was turn away as if he had been slapped. And future Dean was cold to Castiel, they would argue or say nothing at all to each other. It brought a flicker of fear into Dean's heart that something had happened, something that would cause such a change between him and Castiel's relationship (even if it was just as friends).

The next time that Dean saw Castiel it was outside future Dean's cabin where the sounds of a bed creaking, the distinct noises of sex were easily heard through the thin wooden walls. There was a pained look on the ex-angel's face as Dean approached, and that only made him frown more. "Cas, you all right?" Dean asked when he was close to him.

"It's none of your business Dean," Castiel answered flatly as he shoved his hands into his pockets and started to walk away. Dean wasn't about to let it go that easily and he followed him. "What?" Castiel snapped at him, glaring and it nearly broke Dean's heart to see how dull and lifeless the man's once stunning crystalline blue eyes had become over the years.

"If it were nothing, you wouldn't be angry," Dean pointed out and moved to stand in front of Castiel, a stubborn look on his face. "Or upset or whatever the hell you are feeling." As he spoke Castiel had started to walk away, pushing past him, his expression unreadable. "Castiel! What the hell happened with us?" Dean called after him, and Castiel froze in his place. The man turned and looked at Dean over his shoulder, looking at him before he sighed and motioned for Dean to follow him. And he did right into Castiel's cabin.

As Castiel closed the door, he motioned for Dean to sit on one of the various pillows on the floor, and Dean obeyed again. He ran a hand over his face and sighed. "It was after a mission in 2010 that the two of us… That we became more than the true definition of 'friend' and started a relationship. You were injured, dying, and I couldn't save you…"

His hand was pressed over the gaping wound in Dean's abdomen, desperately trying to heal it, to save his friend from dying. The panic, the desperation was something he had never felt so strongly before, and the feeling like his heart was being torn in two, that his world was crashing down around him… Oh he didn't understand why he was feeling these things at all.

Castiel's gaze shifted to Dean's face as his friend gasped for air, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. "C-Cas, need to tell you something," he muttered his hand gripping at Castiel's white shirt. The angel shook his head, not wanting Dean to speak, wanting him to save his strength, but his voice was failing him. "Need to tell you…" Dean's voice was faint, breathless. "That I love you Castiel…more than a friend m-more than a broth-" His words were cut short as the hunter started to cough violently, blood coming out of his mouth again.

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