The Tragedy Of Dean And Castiel

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Within this big city lies the dark, sneaky Montague's who have been dealing illegal drugs and alcohol since the first high rise buildings were built and just bellow those buildings lay the secretive underground pathway where the Montague's make their trades.
The leader of this notorious group is John Montague, a brave soul with nothing to loose. He made a vow to himself since the day his wife, Mary, died to always go against the rules of the system. For on this one night, as she tucked in their youngest son, Sam, the police raided their house. They killed five henchmen along with Mary, who was only protecting her son.

As Mary distracted the police, John gave Sam to his oldest son, Dean, and told him to run. So he ran as fast as he could to the only place he knew where to go.
To his Uncle Bobby's house, who was only right down the street and owned an old beat up car shop. Bobby seamed quite frustrated at Dean for running all that way but after hearing the situation Bobby quickly took them inside. Dean waited for hours by the window, watching each car zoom by, hoping each time it would be his father. But each time he became disappointed until he saw flames zoom up from the spot where their house once was and a black car zoomed up into the driveway of Bobby's garage.
John had changed that night and forever would be the notorious boss of the Montague crew along with his loyal eldest son and the smart cleaver boy who was his youngest, Sam. And to this day, they would be fighting and battling the best police force in the city, the brave Capulet's. A strong police force who will have no one stand in there way and have been forever searching for the Montague's hiding place to rid them once and for all. Some folks may even say they are equivalent to the Garrison of Angels itself, a band of brothers and sisters who are lead by the Chief Capulet, or they like to call him, Papa Cap.
Well, enough for introductions. Let's start off with the story.


It wasn't long after the burglar sirens went off did the police quickly follow after but the man who robbed the place was far gone before the first police car even showed up.

Dean Montague, the eldest son ran fast through the back woods, breathing heavily but in control of every breath. His small bag only carrying a couple pieces of jewelry dangled in his hand. He knew these back woods well, jumping over every stick and stone underneath the twilight of the night.
The thrill of the run only gave him more adrenalin as he zipped through every tree truck. He grinned with each step but eventually fatigue set in, his lungs became heavy and he had to slow down.
He slowed to a stop at the edge of the woods line and knelt down, catching his breath. Beads of sweat trickled down his neck and the cool air made his throat dry.
"Jesus, I need some water." He groaned and gave a little cough.
"Hello?" A voice called out and Dean froze. He held his breath and tucked behind the bushes. Dean parted some of the bush so he could see who called out.
"Anybody there?" the voice called out again but this time Dean could see who it was and it wasn't anyone he knew it seemed.
It was a man, around his age standing up in a balcony. His hair was velvet black that looked soft to the touch. His eyes glowed a beautiful deep blue from the light that the moon gave.

His face was innocent and soft, almost like a teenage girl and he wore a white buttoned up t-shirt, part of the usual police uniform!
Dean found himself staring with lust at this man.
He then wondered who he was; he had to know who he was. So he looked closely at the house and tried to look through the map of the city that was imbedded into his brain and came to the conclusion that this was indeed, the Capulet house. However it dawned on him that he had never seen this Capulet before and wondered why he was never at any of the riots or chases that involved the two.
Dean tried to look closer, trying to pin point if he's ever seem him before. The guy looked sad and even a little angered. It was cute.
The man looked around, trying to find the source of the noise that Dean made but when he couldn't he looked back up to the moon and sighed.
"How come Dad never lets me go to any of the calls," he spoke out loud to himself, "It's not fair. Everyone else gets to go... Michael, Gabriel, Haniel, Even Lucifer who's grounded!" he sighed again; "just because I'm the little one isn't it?" he looked down.

"So that's the reason," Dean thought, "I've never seen him because he's a little brother and they don't want him to get hurt!" Dean chuckled to himself, "This could be fun."
Dean swallowed and his saliva scratched his throat.
He still needed water.
Dean rustled in the bush and the man shot his glance over to where Dean was.

"Come out at once!" he said in a demanding voice.
Dean smiled, "Alright," he said, "You caught me." Dean put down the bag of jewels, climbed out from the bushes and looked up at him.
The man stared at Dean for a moment, as if he had seen him before.
"What are YOU doing here?" the man glared down at Dean.
"Well, I was, uh." Dean was still breathing a little heavily. "I was just taking a midnight run!" he smiled mischievously.
"Oh of course you were," the man said with a roll of his eyes.
"What's your name?" Dean asked suddenly.
"Castiel, Castiel Capulet." He said as if Dean didn't know what his last name was.
"Castiel huh?" Dean smiled, "Well, Cass, do you have a bottle of water? I could sure use a drink right now."
"You're revolting." Cass said suddenly.
"Excuse me?" Dean was shocked, "look, dick I just need a drink of water and then I'll leave you alone."
"I'm not giving you anything with that attitude."
There was a pause, Dean waited to see if Cass was telling the truth and when he didn't do anything, Dean sighed and rolled his eyes, "Stupid Capulet." he mumbled.
"Pfft, like you not a stupid Montague?"
Dean quickly looked back up at him, "But how did you?"
Castiel smiled with amusement, "Seriously, do you think I would forget your face? The Montague's are the only people my family ever talks about! You and your family's faces are all over the place at the station! And you're Dean Montague, the eldest son."
"Well," Dean said then paused, "you're right, no one CAN forget my face!" Dean grinned and Cass gave a little glare towards Dean, "God, you're cocky." He said and looked away.
"And you're a pretty boy who is kept close next to his father." Dean mocked him.
Cass's cheeks turned a small shade of pink, "Y-you're the one to talk! If I wanted I could call my brothers in right now and have them arrest you!"
"Pfft," Dean crossed his arms and looked away, "Then how come you haven't done it yet?"
There was a long pause, to long for Dean and it was hard to not look back up to him.
"Awe forget it," Cass said and leaned over the balcony, "Get out of here. I wont tell."
"Who says I wanna?" Dean looked back up with a lust worthy stare.
Cass gave a skeptical look, "Because the only reason you're here was to steal a drink of water!"
"Well that's not the reason I'm staying here anymore."
"Then what's the reason?" Cass said with an adorably cute and curious look.
Dean shrugged and looked away, "why are you even talking to me anymore? You could have left me here."
"Because I didn't want to leave." Cass said quickly and Dean looked up to him with a smile, "Really?" Dean said and Cass blushed.
"I don't know," He tried looking away, "You're a cocky asshole. I don't know why I would..."
Dean laughed, "Thanks for the compliment."
Cass gave a little smile, "welcome."
The two men stared at each other for a moment. They looked at each other as if they just found someone to run off with.
"You know," Cass said quietly, "I've always wanted to meet you."
Dean gave a puzzled look, "Why?" he asked and Cass shrugged, "I don't really know actually, you just seemed... Interesting."
Dean smiled, he liked that statement, "Well why don't you come down from there and we'll leave town for the night. You can get to know me." Dean winked and Cass smiled with amusement.
"Are you trying to hit on the son of a cop?"
Dean grinned and chuckled, "Yeah, that's pretty exiting for a wanted person isn't it?"
Cass thought about it for a moment, "Hmm. I might take you up on that."
Dean shot a cocky smile, "Don't make me kidnap you!"
Cass laughed, "AS if you could. We've got security!"
Dean grinned, "Is that a challenge? You're talking to the son of the best dealer in town!"
"You can take it as a challenge, OR... you could just wait five minutes for me to come down."
"Awe but that's no fun!" Dean groaned.
"Take it or leave it," Cass made up his mind, even though he did desperately want to go with him.
Dean sighed, "Come on Cassy, please?" Dean begged.
Cass grinned, "Take it or leave it." he repeated and Dean gave up with frustration.
"Fine," Dean said, "just get down here quick."
Cass gave a huge grin, "Will do," he said then climbed over the balcony and shifted down the vines until he was on the ground."
Dean whistled, "whoa, a climber eh?"
"I've been told I'm light on my feet." Cass smiled.
Dean nodded and held out his hand, "Come on. I know the best way out through the woods."
Cass looked at Dean's hand with a skeptical look. Dean smiled sweetly, "Trust me." He said.
"Well," Cass smiled innocently, "I'll have to trust you, then."

Cass took Dean's hand...

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