Part Four

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Dean couldn't sleep that night.
His emerald eyes staring blankly up at the cream colored ceilings above him there was only a few things on his mind.
Those blue ocean eyes that shimmered like sun on water when the light hit them just right.
That angelic movement.
Soft black velvet hair tar he just wanted to feel between his fingers.
But most of all, that soft quiet smile.
He couldn't stop thinking about him. The short memories just kept replaying and replaying inside his head and it almost felt as if his head would burst.
A sudden rage of anger flew through Dean. His eyes narrowed and head creased as he slowly sat up. "he's a fucking Capulet." he growled to himself and got off the bed. "I should have beat him to a pulp!" Dean clutched his hand into a tight fist. His fingers digging into his palms. Dean's heart rate rose from the anger and frustration and he could feel it pound in his chest. "NO!" he screamed, turned and punched through his wall witch made the house shake along with a loud thud.
Down below, Sam had stopped what book he was reading, looked up for second, shrugged then Went back to the book.

Back upstairs Dean was holding his hand, he was bleeding and hunched over in pain. "No..." he mumbled and slowly bent down till he was kneeled on the floor. "It can't be," he said, "I won't. I can't. It's not..."
There was a pause.
"This can't be love."
Another moment ticked by.
"I can't be in-
Dean couldn't end the sentence. The word just burned in his throat and evaporated before the vocal cords could turn it into noise. That word has never left Dean's mouth in his life and it sure wasn't going to start now.
He shook his head in disappointment and stared blankly at the wooden floor below him.

Castiel didn't even bother to try to go to sleep. He knew he wouldn't be able to. The memories of the events that happened not to long before floated heavily in his mind like lingering cigar smoke at a pub.
With a warm blue blanket wrapped around him he walked barefoot onto the balcony that was attached to his room. The carved stone cold like ice under his bare feet from the crisp air that surrounded it.
Castiel leaned on the railing and looked down to the spot where Dean had come out of the woods. The moon cased a sort of mocking gleam down onto Castiel, making him shiver and he clutched the blanket closer to his body.

He suddenly felt a presence next to him and didn't even notice that Gabriel had quietly walked into the room.

He leaned over the railing next to Castiel,
"Y'know." he started to say and waited for Castiel to reply but his deep blue eyes stared straight forward, not even twitching to glance at his brother so Gabriel kept going, "If you're so uptight about all this why don't you just leave?"
At that statement, Castiel's shimmering blue eyes looked to him and he said, "I do not want to harm anyone." he said calmly and Gabriel chuckled, his cool forest green eyes lit with amusement but the look faded to a dull green gray as he stopped and looked back down to the ground.
Gabriel cleared his throat, "I'm leaving soon." he said quietly, abruptly and almost in a whisper. Pain and worry cracked in his voice.
Castiel looked puzzled, "Leaving?"
Gabriel nodded slowly. "Michael and Lucifer have been fighting again. More than ever now." there was urgency and disappointment in his voice, but also some sadness as well. "I can't stand seeing them fighting, Cass, I just can't anymore." Gabriel's eyes turned soft as he stared down to the cold grass below.
Cass understood his feelings. Gabriel was closer to Michael and Lucifer than he was and could see the pain in him every time his older brother's fought.

"When?" Castiel asked, starring at his brother, understanding the feelings he had.
Gabriel looked to him, an amusing spark quickly popped inside the color of his eyes as he smiled. "Why do you think I'm talking to you now, Cass?" he said and the amusement faded back into a green fog.
It took a long moment for Castiel to realize the statement. So long in fact that Gabriel rolled his eyes in frustration. "Cass I'm leaving tonight."
Castiel's eyes grew wide, his jaw locking into place. "Tonight?" he finally breathed and Gabriel nodded.

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