Maxxie in Love !?

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---Maxxie POV---

As I woke up I saw everyone was out of bed already, I turned on my phone and saw that the time was 9:34 am. I walked down the stairs half asleep as I saw Jack making pancakes and Alpha doing someone on his phone waiting for pancakes I bet. "Hey sleepy head, your finally awake" Jack sounded ready for anything, he must be a morning animal "*Yawn* What time you all wake up" I sat down next to Alph as I got out my phone and started to watch some videos on Pettube "Me and Jack woke up I think an hour or thirty minutes ago". Jack served us two pancakes each on our plates, I sniffed the pancakes and the smell was amazing. Jack sat down next to me as he ate the left over two pancakes. "So what are we going to do, after this ?" I sounded still tired even after I ate one of the pancakes "Does anyone want to do to the park this evening?" To be honest I like Jack's idea of going to the park, I hade my camera and sketch book to do something. "Sure, I'm down" Alpha is someone who I don't know really well so I don't know if he's trying to just make Jack happy or he just wants to "I'll also like to go" I was never the one to make that much friends or play at all, the only thing I've done to keep myself busy is by drawing and taking pictures. "Well, that's settled, at three a-clock we'll go to the park" Jack started to eat this pancakes and so did Alpha, I looked at my phone and played one of Jacksepticdog's video as I ate my pancake's.

---Time Skip---

    "Max, hurry up and met us out side" I put on my jeans, blue T-shirt, and blue bandana around my neck and walked out side of Jack's house were I saw Alpha right beside his car, I think. "What kind of car do you have ?" He hade his sweater on that showed his abs, I don't know why, but hey, as I said I don't know him that well. "It's a Dodge Charger, I got it last year" We all got in and we drove to the park, the inside of his car was nice and clean, looks like he cares about his car more than anything. Minutes passed and we were at the park, we all got out and Jack got his soccer and started to kick it in the air like a pro "How did you learn to do that amazing trick ?" I never played soccer, mostly because I suck "My dad taught me how to play when I was five and I kept playing and training" "Come on, let's find a good place to play". We left the parking area and into the park were we found in I bet two minutes a good soccer place, I think. "Okay, so you want to do free for all ?" "Sure" Me and Alpha said at the same time. As we were getting ready I hear a voice but it wasn't Jack's or Alpha's "Watch Out !!!!" I looked behind me and a soccer ball comes and hits me in the head. I laid on the grass floor felling some pain "Watch were your hitting the ball, you could-" As I looked up I saw the most beautiful Wolf my eyes have seen "I'm so sorry, I kicked the ball the wrong way, my name is Amy by the way" I was there blushing a small bit "M-my name is Maxxie" I've never felt this felling before, but it was something unreplaece able "That's a cute name, I hope your okay". Amy walked away and I was still blushing and waging my tail "Hey, are you in love ?" I turned around to them and hid that felling "No, let's do this" In my mind I'm still thinking about her, I wonder when I can see her again.

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