Time With Isahi

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---Jack's POV---

"Jack, Jack wake up !" I didn't want to get up from my bed "five more minutes" I said sleepily as I turned away from the sound "You asked for it" That's all I heard before "*Sound of a blow horn*" I fell off my bed and onto the floor were I saw my brother "Why did you wake me up, I'm so dam tiered *yawn*" I got up and looked at my phone and the time was 12 am. "Your friend is here, he's waiting in the living room" I yawned again and pushed my brother out the door. I changed into my normal clothes and walked down stairs half asleep and I saw Isahi on the couch playing something on his phone "Hey Isa, what are you doing here ?" I walked toward the kitchen were breakfast was already ready, I got it and sat beside Isahi as I ate my pancakes "I came here to see if you wanted to come to my house" "Sure, just let me finish my breakfast".

---One Hour Later---

    As we walked to his house I was  happy to be with him also I wanted to be in my bed "I bet your still tired from last night" He was on his phone playing Super Mechs "Yeah, you called it. I just want to be in bed" I yawned and tried to remember the last time I saw him make something. "Well, I thought since I found you yesterday I thought we could get time to catch up on what has happened in High School" He was right, I wanted to know if he has made a girlfriend ? "Yeah, are we here ?" When I looked at the house it looked the same as when I last saw it before I went to High School. As we entered I was greeted by his parents and then we went to his room, Isahi opened the door to his room and it didn't change one bit "It's the same as when I last saw it" I walked in and he walked behind me and closed the door "I know, I'll get down one of my guns" he walked up the mini stair case and got a gun he made out of unused materials. "You still make guns out of unused materials ?" He handed me the gun and broken bits of lead for lead pencils " Yeah, I made the gun so it shots lead, enough power to get it logged in your skin" Isahi set up a target that looks to be shot at many times "Shoot the target to see how powerful that gun is" I smile and load the lead into the gun "If you were in the apocalypse you'd survive by making all of this stuff" He laughed "Your probably right" I put my paw on the trigger, I pulled it and I got pushed back and the lead landed on the bullseye "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about" I hand the gun to Isahi then he asked me a question "Do you have a girlfriend ?" I was tempted to tell a lie, but he's my best friend and we tell each other everything "Yeah, I do, do you ?" He smiled and got his computer off his desk and we both sat on the bed "I don't have a girlfriend, yet. But I'm not giving up" On his computer he was searching something, but I didn't know what "Your girlfriend came to the concert yesterday, right" I searched on my phone to find the picture from yesterday "Yeah she did, she's right next to me in the picture" I found the picture and handed my phone to Isahi "Your one lucky guy, she looks beautiful" He hands me the phone back and searched on his computer Jacksepticdog videos "When did you meet her ?" I put my phone away and looked out the window "I met her on the first day of school" I was having a flash back to when I met Tori for the first, then Isahi snapped his fingers in my face that snapped me out of my trance "How's everything been with her, I heard you went to a resort with her and your friends" "Fine, we've been steady for a while, and how did you know that I went to a resort ?" He smiled and clicked on one of the videos then paused it "Your friend Maxxie, that's his name right ?" I shook my head "After the concert he was texting me a lot, I answered and we became friends fast, plus he told me some stuff about you and Tori" He got up from his bed and walked to his closest, opened it and pulled out a console with controllers "Want to play ?" He threw me a controller and I catch it "Sure, what game is it ?" "It's Dead Rising 2" "Ok, let's do it" I get up and play with Isahi. I bet we played for 3 hours until my brother came to pick me up "See you later" I got in my brothers car "See ya later" The car drove away and I thought that if he has any sort of connection with our old friends, should have told him that when I was there.

Sorry for the late upload.

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