Jack In Dreamland

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---Jack's POV---

    Finals are coming and I had to study chemistry for 6 hours, from 9 to 3 in the morning. "Jack are you okay ? You look tired" Maxxie was concerned, I was trying to stay awake but I couldn't "*yawn* I was awake all night studying and I didn't get any sleep" I was so tired that fell to sleep standing up "Wake up !" Maxxie shook me and that made me open my eyes. "Better get to English class" Maxxie closed his locker and walked away "Can you drag me to the class *yawn*" he walked back to me and dragged me to English class and to my seat. I sat in my seat looking dead "Ok students you have a write a story before the end of the period, the story has to be 1 to 2 pages long. Has to have a minimum of 6 paragraphs, be creative, and your story must have a message of some sort" the teacher sat down in her desk and papers were already on our desks "Alright let's do this" I was thinking on what to write when I saw my plush wolf right beside me, I rubbed my eyes and it was still there, I'm hallucinating, great. "Are you real ?" I grabbed him and he felt the same "*Bark*" he barked and jumped out of my hands and to the door, I assume he wanted me to follow him so I did. I walked up to him and it ran out the door and down the corridor, so I ran after him, A few hours later he brings me to the top of a mountain and I see a big gaping hole in the center "Why am I up here ?" The plush walked beside me and then pushed me of the edge and into the hole "Ahhhhhhhh" I fell for a minute then I landed on a bed of golden flowers "Were am -" I looked around I was dark and looked at the golden flowers "Wait, dark gloomy corridors, a bed of golden flowers. I in the underground !" I walked down the corridor and through a door way were he saw a flower with a face "I'm flowey, flowey the flower. Your new to the underground are you ?" I was tempted to say something but I didn't "I guess little old me will have to do, ready, let's start" I knew how it worked but all of a sudden the memories disappeared. He started talking about the basics of what to do "Catch as many as you can" I walked toward it and then I got slashed and stabbed "You Idot, In this world it's kill or be k i l l e d" A circle of death petals surrounded me and was getting closer. Someone stopped that evil flower before he killed me when I looked to see who it was and it was Tori dressed in weird clothes "What a terrible creature torturing such a poor and innocent youth" She looked cute in those clothes, Brain this is the 1 billion time please shut up "I'm Tori, keeper of the ruins, let me guide you through" Tori held my hand, which made me blush we walked into another door way then everything went white.

    I found my self in a house that looked like it hasn't been lived in for 20 years. I walked out and saw the whole neighborhood that was left was taken over by nature. I walked through the neighborhood when I saw two people in front of but a few feet away. "Hello" One of them looked at me and pulled out their gun "Oh crap" he shot me in the stomach and I laid helplessly on the floor. They were aiming there guns at me and I closed my eyes, all of a sudden I hear gun shots but they didn't shoot me someone shot them. I stood up putting my hand on my wound and saw two animals in front of me and it was Alpa and Jackie. Alpha looked like he was in his 30's and and Jackie was the same as she was. "Are you okay, did the military hurt you ?" Jackie said as she put her hand on my shoulder "No, they shot me" I take my hand off the wound and blood was dripping down "We have to help him" Jackie looked at Alpha "Fine, but we have to go before the clickers come" Alpha held me in his hands and walked down the neighborhood with Jackie walking right beside him, I hear a strange clicking sound coming from behind Alpha, I looked and it was so damn ugly "Alpha watch out !" Jackie yells as Alpha looks behind him and the monster looking thing ran at him so damn fast before it got near us everything went white.

When everything wasn't white I found my self in a dark creepy bed room and the only thing I was holding was a flashlight , there were two doors on the right and left, the closest was right in front of me, and the bed was in back of me. I looked out of the right corridor and I see Maxxie but more deadly and is an animatronic, I close the door panting with fear, I let go of the door and walked toward the left corridor were I see Amy looking the same as Maxxie, deadly and an animatronic, I look behind me and I see Maxxie razor sharp teeth next to me, I back away slowly and Amy gets inside the room. They both corner me and I close my eyes, but I feel a gentle pat on my head, I lift my head and I see Maxxie patting my head, which I like. "I thought you were going to kill me" Maxxie and Amy move aside and I walk to the center on the room "We won't kill you, we were here to make sure you safe" Amy smiles but all I could see is her sharp teeth "Safe from what ?" Maxxie looked at me and I could see that there still the same. "Safe from him" Maxxie sat next to me and so did Amy "Who's him ?" I could hear something down the hall and Maxxie ran a closed the right door "An animal that won't stop till your dead, we need to keep you safe, we care for you" after Maxxie's last words he and Amy turned into normal non animatronic animals "He's right, we won't let anything happen to you, your our friend" Amy ran to the left door and after that everthing turned black.

   I open my eyes and I see that I'm in my class "W- *sigh* all of that was a dream" I look at my side and my plush wolf was threre "Maybe not everything" I looked at the clock and the period ends in 10 minutes "No, I don't have enough time" I look at my paper and it was all written, it was all from my dream, the only thing left was to write the message, I thought to my undertale dream, zombie survival dream, and my FNAF dream and they all hade one thing in common, my friends will always be their for me even in the darkest times. After English class ended Maxxie walked up to me "What did you write in for your story ?" "I wrote a story about how all of us are by my side" I smiled and so did Maxxie "I wish I though something like that, but hey I liked my story" We both walked out of class and down the corridor to exit the school.

Hope you liked this chapter. Because I did.

If anyone knows the game that inspired the zombie survival dream tell me in the comments below.

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