Chapter 23:

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Song: one last time by: Ariana Grande

C:" I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want hurt you"

L:"who,who did he cheat on me with"

C:" that u saw girl kissing"


C:" b***h

Cam said like he didn't want to.

C:"why did u slap me"

L:" bcs u didn't tell me about it when u knew"

There was an award of silence in the room. I know he didn't want to hurt me, but still😖.
C:"oh, I see how it is"

L:" Cam later😏, tell me more plz"

C:" Ok,Jacob was with her for 5 months and well.... She got pregnant"

My heart sank all the way to my feet.I said I was over him. I said I don't have as much feelings for him as before. Then did care.

C:" Leslie r u Ok"

I sat down the bed and put my head in my hands.

C:" do,you still care about him"

*I thought*

L:" now I don't but then I did bcs he did it when I was with him"

C:"its Ok I will treat u better"

Boy this is not the time

I texted Jacob saying

Why would u do this why. Don't think of calling me back or texting me back I am disappointed in u 😞😟😦😢

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