Chapter 25:

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I woke up in bed naked with Cam. What the hell happened. I was facing Cam he was naked as well. There was clothes every where.

L:"cam, wake up"

C:" what bby 😚"

L:"what happened last night"

C:" well after u had yes about being my gf,you asked for more beer then we had it😏😐😳"

L:"omfg was I drunk"

C:" idk,I guess so"

L:"Ok 😐,well I am going to take a shower"

*I didn't know what else to say*
C"Ok,can I come too,😏"

L:"no sorry not right now😓😓😷"


I got up and quickly grabbed my PJs off the floor.

C:" y r u trying to cover your self 😕,I saw u once already😉"

Umm,bcs I don't want u to 👀 me again 😒. I was drunk🍺.

I ran to the bathroom and I could feel his eyes👀👀 burning🔥 into me.

I got in the shower and let the water run on my face.I put on my pj's even though it wasn't morning. I walked out the bathroom with steam following behind me.I walked in the room with cam still laying in bed.I sat on the bed and, grabbed my phone to start a group chat with Taylor, Hunter,and Brandon.

(The group chat name)

L:"hey guys, the guys want to hang today"


B:"like I have any thing to do"

H:" yea"

T:" what time"


L:"we r going to be walking and eating"

All:" we'll be there"

Its been months since I talked or seen Claudia,so I decided to face time her.

*during face time*

L:" hey I just wanted to say that I am cool

Claud:" I am sorry for that prank"

L:" no it's cool"

Claud:" Ok is that it "

L:" no I wanted to ask if u wanted to go out to eat with the boys and I"

Claud:" yea sure"

L:" ok and can u ask Gabby is she wants to come to"

Claud:" sure"

L:" the time is 4:30"
* End of FaceTime*

It was 2:35 I had enough time to get ready. I picked out some clothes out my closet. And I don't think I mentioned this before but the house I lived in when I was with Jacob is his house now,all my clothes I had there are here now. And I do have a car but I just don't like using it. I like Cam's car better. I got a black tank top, pants, black heels, a black, white sweater and went to the bathroom. I went to put my makeup on. Now it was 3:30. I walked into the room to see a ready Cameron.

 I walked into the room to see a ready Cameron

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L:" why r u dressed"

C:" bcs I'm not gona let my princess go with the boys without me"

And he holds my phone

We had some time left so I went downstairs to get something to eat. I got a banana and glass of milk😂.

C:" where r we going"
L *no answer*
L:*no answer*

I ignored him and bit my banana and looked at me phones. I quickly spit out my banana and gave Cameron a death stare. Cameron just started laughing.

L:" What was that for"

C:" For not answering me"

L:" u poke my stomach"


My phone was covered with banana now. I cleaned my phone off and looked at the time, 3:55. L:" come on cam let's go".

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