Isabel Got Drunk

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Farlan: Hello there! Isabel is too drunk to even write about it. So I will tell you what happened.

Well there's this vine(cuz that's how they call it) she saw on the kitchen cabinet. And being the curious little cat she is. She tried it. Just like how she tried that Black Tea without knowing it was a day old.

She complained on the taste so I let her be. Thinking she would stop. But later I found her almost passed out on the couch and the bottle was empty.

Me: Isabel?!

Isabel: Farlan *hic is that you~??? *slurrr

Me: *rushed to her side. Are you okay?!

Isabel : Whoa, whoa, whoa~ *hic Farlan-chan~ not too fast *hic

Me: huh?

Isabel : *hic. Anekeeeee~ Where are *hic chuuuu~?

Me : *narrows brows You should go to bed. You're drunk.

Isabel : *stares at me. Beddddd?! *hic. Nooooo! I'm still young~ *hic.

I wouldn't deny I kinda blushed on how she misunderstood it. But I'm no perv!

Me : *carries her. I'll get you to bed.

Isabel : You effin' *hic perv! Take this! *punches me square in the face.

I let go and she jumped out of my arms.

Me : *clutches nose. What was that for?

Isabel : *flails around. Pervert!!! Pervert!!! *hic *hic Anikeeee~!

I just watched in horror as she almost trashed the whole house

She later passed out and I carried her to bed.

Lesson learned : don't let her drink alcohol.

*a squeel in da background.

Isabel : Eeeek! Why is the house so messy???!!! Aniki's gonna get mad~!

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