Another Defense Chapter Spoilers Included

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This one is not for Petra, this one is for Armin and Erwin. RIP Commander Eyebrows.

Before anything else, as I am always doing, I'd like to remind everyone that this chapter is once again full of my opinions. No hate here.

Here we go.

I know that maybe 60%~70% of the fandom were overjoyed when Armin was the one chosen for the serum.

But of course, others were still against it.

Okay, to be honest I was one of that 60%~70%.

So maybe this is to defend our little coconut?

Maybe, but the point is, there are people who hated, disagreed, dissed, the decision that aniki made which is to choose Armin.

Let's admit it. Erwin does have the right to live. And he also has ambitions. He deserved to see what was in that basement that could've possibly been the key to mankind's steady victory.

But Armin's purpose isn't just, let's say, as shallow as just him seeing the ocean. I'm not saying that his dream is shallow but rather that in those times, the ocean is the least of your worries. He had some other role.

And that is to become Erwin 2.0. Not to become someone with real adorable eyebrows cause he's already got one. But to be the next Commander.

Cliché or Naïve as some may say. Even deserving to be classified as wishful thinking. But that's how I see it. The reasons why Armin should be alive.

1. Age. Admit it. Though Erwin isn't that old he's still old. By the terms of how much longer they'll be able to serve the Legion, Armin has far more years to do so.

2. Intellect. Though Erwin is smart, his means are dangerous. An all or nothing gambler. Yes, he is cool and collected while Armin is sometimes panicky and lacks some self-confidence. But that's what they need. A commander who would think twice. Calculate the risks and see which road has a better destination. No need to bother with the road quality, be it rough or smooth, as long as the destination is satisfactory. Because, we, rather, they can't tolerate hasty decisions that would either lead to complete victory or complete devastation. Because certainty, is the best strategy. In those times.

3. That's it. Lol. I can't think of anything else. But I honestly think than in terms of the service they can give to mankind, Armin has a whole lot more to offer. But do not get me wrong, Erwin didn't deserved to die, but Armin deserved to live, not only for himself, but for humanity. Ja Ne~

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