Tell me le truth

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In this chapter imma ask you some things and you need to answer honestly. Don't worry, you won't get judged. Judgemental people ain't allowed here.

Why I started this? Honestly, it's to rack in comments. Lol. I'm greedy. Jk. It's true I want comments but it's for starting conversations cause I'm b-o-r-e-d.

1. If you can bring one dead person (strictly from AoT only), who would it be and why? (You know how I feel about justifications right? I need 'em)

2. Name, minimum 2, maximum 4, people (again, strictly from AoT only, every questions actually) that you dislike, I repeat, dislike. No hate. and why? (Imma do something about it. If you know what I mean)

3. Pick only one ship as your OTP and why that's the one you picked out of so many.

4. One ship you really dislike, mind the word dislike, not hate. Cause I don't accept that word in the fandom.

5. Remember the 1st question? Okay now you can save one more person, but there's a catch, you need to sacrifice one other character for him/her. Who would you save and who'll be le sacrifice? It's not compulsary to answer this, it's your choice.

See? Did it entertain you? I know some people like these things.

Next time, I'll let you be the ones to ask me. Want that? No? Ehe. 'Kay then.

Ja ne~

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