If We Get Married

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So, I asked Farlan what his vows will be if ever we got married. It. Was. Meant. As. A. Joke.

I really thought he would say : "That's a secret~ Wait 'till we get married" or "What the hell's with that question?"

But instead, this happened. And what you will read next are all that really happened.

Well, he laughed at first but then got serious all over.

F : You really wanna know?

M (me) : Uh-huh~

F : sigh. *le gets on his knees*

M : *gets shocked* Uhh. You're not serious are you?

F : *takes my hands* Might as well do it. Though it's embarrasing. Waiting for years will be tiring so let's go do the pre-vows.

M : *laughs* pre-vows? That exists?

F : *le serious*

M : *realizes he's serious*

F : So here it is. Isabel Magnolia (of course he said my real name).

M : *snicker*

F : *continues and ignore my reaction* This may seem funny to you. But I take it seriously. Because, first, I wanna proove my love to you. Tell you that no amount of embarrasment can make me give you up. You might laugh, others might laugh, I might laugh at myself, but thinking that this would all be for my love for you, I don't mind being made fun of. Second, there are things I want to say like right now. Waiting for five or more years to say it would be bad for my heart, really.

M : *listens intently*

F: I first met you back when we were still kids. To be honest, I thought you were annoying because you are too persistent about some things. But later on, as years passed by, my view about you changed. From being the annoying pigtailed girl, you became that well-mannered and mature goddess. I don't know when I started to fall in love with you. I just knew one day when I saw a guy confess to you. My heart and brain were so confused and hurting. Wondering if you said yes to that guy. And then when I knew that you rejected him, though I should've felt bad for the guy, I instead rejoiced. I promise you this as you chose me to be the guy who heard that yes from your lips, I will forever be yours. I will tolerate everything, support you in everything, be beside you forever, I love you so much and I can't put it to words. You know, how much I love you. I will never make you cry tears of sadness. I promise you. I love you too much to even tell you off. If we do get married. We will have a happy family. I will do anything to make it perfect, well, close to perfect. I love you, (Isabel). I love you, and it's not a joke or something said on a whim. It's serious. I love you now and forever.

M : You are too serious for your own good. I'll be keeping your promises in mind. So make sure that you keep them.

F : Haha. Of course *le stand up and laugh*. That was soooooo embarrasing really.

So of course those words aren't exact. But that's pretty much how it goes. I made him read it too. And he just laughed and laughed. He's laughing at himself. That he's like an idiot.

But seriously, it was so sweet~

I love you too, Farlan~ (Of course that's meant to be his real name, hehe~)

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