A stupid lecture once again.

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Yes, I decided to finally make the chapter of my dreams. To make this slap those attack-u (a play in otaku) wannabes. I think I seemed rude there.

First, some thinks that Levi Ackerman is the only character in the whole anime or manga series. Beach please, I know aniki's popular but people overrate him too much.

I know some good Levi roleplayers. And I see that they act the part real well. But there are others who are really annoying.


One, they fill their bios with "Tch" or "Tsk". Seriously?

Two, if it isn't "Tch" it'll be "brat".

Three, they always set their bios as if they're pushing people away. Like, "now scram filthy brats, leave my stereotypical and cliché bio" okay that's not really how it is.

Four, le "Eren belongs to me". I understand people who have an Eren in their bio writing that. But those who doesn't even rp with an Eren are like...I dunno. I don't like it. I mean can't it be Petra? I know some genuinely hates her but others don't even have any justification and others just really like Eren.

Statistically speaking, more people actually just hate Petra with stupid reasons.

I did the research myself. 70% or 7/10 people I interviewed, for the record I really did this, answered yes to the question "Do you hate Petra?". Then out of those 7 people, only 3 had actual reasons. Like how she completely ignored Oluo's feelings, or her obsession towards aniki making her ignore everything else. Some others answered ridiculous reasons like "It's cause she's a slut" WHAAAATTTT???!!! WHEN?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or the other that said. "She almost took Levi-heichou from the fandom!!!" Hey! You're not the fandom's spokesperson! I really hate thos kind of things. The 3 gave valid reasons. Hating her ignorance makes sense. Even I feel bad for Oluo but she doesn't like him so no can do.

And worse, some doesn't try to defend her because they are afraid to rumaged by RiveTra haters.

Fifth, Levi Ackermans are overpopulated. Let's be honest, He is the most used as a profile. There are different reasons as to why he's used.

1. For none roleplayers, they make their profile as Levi because they simply just like him. He's their fave character, and this I don't dislike.

2. People wanted a change of name and his photo is at their gallery.

3. Roleplayers needed a character and his photo is at their gallery

4. Roleplayers became bored of their current character and changed into Levi whose photo is at their gallery.

5. They (rp-ers) recently just met him and wanted to be him so they change into Levi.

6. They really intended to be him.

And 7. They wanna be popular. Cause let's face it. There are little to no Levi rp-ers who are unpopular. Because naturally, people want a Levi as a friend so they look for one. And they become popular. This reason is disgusting, no offense to those with this reason. Tbh, It's not like I mind being resented by people who just wants to be popular. You're using him as a medium for personal interest and not out of love for him. That's insulting to people who really loves their character.

Remember, aniki isn't cold, heartless, and an i-don't-give-a-flying-shit-about-the-world-ending-or-Mikasa-suddenly-dying-because-that'd-be-impossible-coz-she's-strong-blahblahblah person. He does care, so to people out there who roleplays as aniki, get it right. The ones I know  does great at it.

And Petra, once again, don't hate her.

Please try to know her better, deeper, know her reasons and try to understand her. Isayama didn't make a character just for her to be bullied and hated. Or did he intend it? Sigh.

Anyway, that case closed. Let's move on.

Second, EreRi-boos (EreRi + weeaboos)

I understand that EreRi might be the most popular, most talked about, mainstream quality, ship. But I personally think Springles could be better.

And I respect those who really ship it.

But I dislike those who ships it because it's the only ship they know of or because it's the most popular one.

Those guys don't appreciate the real beauty of EreRi. I don't ship it. But I don't hate it at all. I think it's a beautiful ship to be honest. If only the lemon mindset doesn't dominate.

No offense, but to those out there who focus on EreRi S-s-smu....t, I don't it's nice. Especially the aggressive relationship. It's really unsettling. It's as if the love between them isn't genuine at all. Well, it's a different story if they do it after getting married or dating for a couple of times. But start the story with them doing it right from the start is really...for the lack of a better word, uncomfortable. I never really liked Yaoi Lemons. But Yaoi fluff I like. I know, I'm old fashioned. But old fashioned relationships were goals. It was genuine.

Also, some EreRi-boos practically shuns and curses those who ships things like EreMika or RiveTra. I just don't understand the need for hate when everyone has their own opinions. Thank you.

That's it for now. I might add some additional shit in some other chapters. Again, please don't hate me for this. This doesn't apply to everyone. I mean, you should know for yourself if you're an Attack-u wannabe. If you're not, this shouldn't affect you. Please, really, I hope no one shuns me for this. I'm known as a very expressive person and I can't stop talking about my opinions. Once again, Thanks.


Ja ne~

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