Chapter 1

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"What do you mean she almost died!? Where is she?In the hospital? We're heading over now. I'm getting my daughter back."I said into the phone before hanging up. That was the judge. She decided to call and tell me how wrong the desicion to send Lena over there was.

"Kris...get in the car."


"We're looking for Lena Gas-Walker." I said.

"Are you directly related to her in any way?" The lady at the desk asked.

"Adoptive father."

"Room 423. Fourth floor."

I gave my thanks and took off towards the elevator.

"Alex.. I need to stay down here. I'll call the guys and get them here."

"Ri and Cass are in Florida though. Don't worry them."

"They need to know."

I nodded as the door closed and I was taken up to the fourth floor.


Wake up Lena.

Do you really want to face your parents?

I need to be okay. For Alex and the guys.

You've already broken your promise. The one to Jack.

He'll love me no matter what.

Don't be so sure...

I felt someone shake me.

"Sweetheart? Len? Lena please wake up."

It was Alex.

I opened my eyes slowly and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Lex?" I whispered.

"I'm so sorry Len. When you are let out, you're coming back home. To your real home."

"Are you sure I'm going home?"

"Why wouldn't you?"




Knock knock

"Hey.. They're on their way." Kristin said.

"Who?" I asked.

"The guys."




"SHE WHAT?!" I yelled into the phone.

"Calm down, Jack. Everything's okay." Kris said.

"How can you say that?"

"Because I'm here and she's on the other side of this door talking to Alex."

"She almost died."

"It's okay."

"No it's not. I'm on my way."

"Please don't come up here yelling. You'll only make it worse."

I hung up.

She broke the promise. She said she'd never do anything like that again..and she did.

I might not be her father but she's mine in a way that no one else realizes. This is my fault. I should have talked to her more. Made sure she was okay. I SHOULD HAVE HELPED HER!

And now... I'm stuck in my car trying to get to my "niece" that means everything to me.


"We'll catch the next flight up."I said into the phone.

"No. Alex told me to tell you not to worry. It's okay. Everything is under control." Kristin said.

"I don't care. We're coming."

I hung up and turned to Cass.

"Going where?"

"To Baltimore. It's Lena. She tried to kill herself."

Cass looked at me in shock and grasped onto her bloated stomach.

"What's wrong, Love?"

"Is she okay?"

" I don't know..but are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Let's go."

The only reason we're here in Florida was so we could be alone while getting used to the fact that we're gonna be parents. Being around the guys would be too much. Especially with Len being gone...

But now... We have to get back to her.

"Ri... You go. I'll get everything packed and be up there in a few days."


"She needs you. I'll be fine. I'm only four months there's nothing to worry about."

"Fine. I love you Cass. I'll call you later."

I leaned over and kissed her lips then leaned down and kissed my baby.

"Love my baby's."

"You've got one more to get to Rian. Go."

I ran out to my rental car and slammed the door. I slammed the key in the ignition and sped to the airport.


"Please tell me she'll live." I whispered into the phone.

"Yeah.. But I don't know how much rehab will be waiting afterwards..." Kristin said.

"God...I'll be there soon."

I hung up and quickly put my camera away.I rushed to my car and drove as fast as I could without being considered a hazard.

The stupid judge knew... SHE KNEW what those people did to Lena...but she still sent her back. I really hope she sees her mistake.



"Zack.. Jack is going to kill me."

"L.Oh my god Lena. Thank goodness you're okay."

"I miss you."

"I miss you too. What do you mean Jack is going to kill you?"

"I broke my promise, Z."

"He loves you too much, sweetie. It's okay."

"He's gonna hate me. Just like everyone else."

"I'm at the hospital. I'll be right there."

I made it up to her room and barged in.

"Hey, Zack. Doc said only one person at a I'll leave her with you." Alex said.

I smiled and nodded. He left and I took his place.

"They want to be able to single someone out if I go into one of my "episodes"..." She said.

"L, no one hates you. Especially not in this family. We love you... I know Alex is technically your father now... But Jack... He's connected to you. I've never seen him like this... Lena he hasn't been eating since they took you. He's not Jack."

"What are you saying?"

"Geez you little dirty minded girl... No he's not in love with you... But.. It's like.... He's somehow... Your's. Like a.... Guardian angel or something."

"I can't talk to him."

"You need to."

"I can't, Zack. I feel like I've failed him."

"He loves you. No matter what. We all do."

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