Chapter 3

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How is someone that doesn't want help... Supposed to be helped?

I've talk to the poor girl... Seven times in the past... Three days. Six out of... No... Nevermind. Every time we've fought. The first few times were about the... Situation. The others.... Were about stupid things like eating and sleeping!

I know she needs help. I know she needs my help. But she won't let me. It's kind of like when a girl plays hard to-that's a terrible analogy. Nevermind.

"You need to sleep, Lena."

"No.I'm not going to sleep. I'm not going to eat. I'm not doing ANYTHING."

"Besides fight with me..."I mumbled.

"What?"She snapped.

"Nothing, Lena." I said and then stood and went to find the doctor.

"She's fighting again." I mumbled.

"I'll send a nurse." The doctor said.

"Did you tell on me again? I HATE YOU JACK! I HATE YOU!" Lena yelled.

"You need to sleep sweetheart."The nurse said as she shot the medicine through her.

"I don't wanna. I want to stay awake."Lena mumbled, the meds automatically kicking in.

"Goodnight Lena."I said.

"Go away. Go away and never come back. You're the reason I want to die. You left me."She mumbled as she drifted off.

That hit hard... I need to leave... She hasn't said that before...

It's always about how much she hates me... But never that it's my fault...

Jack:Hey.. Can we switch out... I need to leave.

Alex:of course. What happened?

Jack:don't worry about it

He told me he was leaving the house and would be here in ten minutes.

"Oh Len.. I know it's my fault. I know I should have talked to you more... But I didn't. I'm so sorry that I made you do this to yourself. I love you so so much."

Knock knock

Alex came in and traded spots with me. I gave him a "guy hug" and made my way out of the room, down to the first floor, out to my car, and to my house... I got to my bed before my wall broke. I cried so much that night.
That was the first time in ages that I actually cried myself to sleep.


"Where's Jack?" I asked when I woke up with Alex beside me.

"He went home, sweetie. Why?"

"I hurt him so much last night Alex! I said something I shouldn't have!" I said as I burst into tears.

"Hey... Baby it's okay."

"No it's not!"

"Hey... L? What's wrong babe?" Zack said as he entered, Rian trailing close behind.

"I.. I hurt Jack... I did something really bad."

"Talk to us,pumpkin."Rian said.

I told them what happened.

"Lena..." Alex said with sad eyes.

"Go talk to him, Lex. We'll stay with her." Rian said.

Alex nodded and ran out of the room.

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