Chapter 4

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"Hello Lena. I'm Elaine Montero. I'll be you're therapist during your stay at the center."

She was tall and blonde. Had on a pink pencil skirt with a black top. Her little black heels made her look even taller.


"I'll do the talking right now. Just listen. So your people, Mr.Alex, Mr.Jack, Mr.Rian, Mr . Zack, Mrs. Kristin, and Ms. Cassadee, will be allowed to visit you once a month for the first few months. After the third month, it's like life opens up for you. They'll be able to visit twice a month. Also in the first three months you have to wear clothes they give you but at three months your family can bring you some of your own. First three months only one call a week. After that it's up to three a week.. Unless your results begin to decline."

"How long will I be there?"

"At most eight and a half months unless something unexpected happens."


"They can spend it with you if they like."

"I know I can't have a phone or computer or anything like that but can I at least bring something to listen to music?"

"Bring cd's."

"Thank goodness!"

"You will have two therapy sessions a day during the first two weeks. And then it'll be one. And when classes start it will go down to three a week, but you can come to me at any time. You will also have group therapy sessions with Andrew Jenkins. He's very nice. That's about it.."


"Your family will bring you in three days."

"Where is it?"


"Oh...umm okay.. Well see you then.. Bye!"

"Goodbye Lena."

She left the room and the nurse came in.

"Would you like your family sweetheart?"

"No ma'am. I want to be alone."

"Okay sweetie. Buzz me if you need me."

"If they try to come in, tell them that I need some alone time."

"Will do."

She left the room and I slowly leaned back on the uncomfortable bed.

I'm going to a "rehab center" in Maine. I'm going to a place for suicidal people like me.

Ugh. Amazing.

I felt the tear drip onto my hand before I realized I was crying.

What's wrong with me? Why didn't I hold out for a little longer? Why didn't I talk to someone? Why didn't I talk to Jack?

I need Jack.

I started pushing the red nurse button and she ran in.

"What's wrong sweetie?" She asked frantically.

"Need... Jack."I choked out. She nodded and ran out.

I was already shaking.

"What's wrong nurse?"I heard him ask.

My breathing sped up.

"She needs you."

I heard the slapping of shoes and then he was there beside me. Pulling me to him and into his arms.

"Shhh. Shhh Lena. It's okay. Shhh. Breathe. Just breathe."

I listened to his heart, trying to slow mine. I matched my breathing with his. I clenched my eyes shut to make the tears stop.

"What happened?" He asked after a little while.

"I'm insane, Jack. There's something wrong with me. I'm suicidal. I'm so messed up."

"Hey. It's okay. You're not messed up. You're perfect. You're my best friend. I won't let anything happen to you. You are going to get better. That's why you're leaving."

"What if I don't get better?"

"You will sweetheart. I promise."

He began rubbing my back and I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Listen to me, Lena. We are all here for you. No matter what. For every one of those phone calls, we've decided we're going to all be at Alex's so we can all talk to you. We'll come see you when it's allowed. We'll be there as much as we can. I promise."

I nodded into his chest and pulled away.

"Oh and Cass is here and wants to talk to you."

I nodded again and he stood and went to get Cassadee.

He walked her back to my room and let her in, but then closed the door and I knew he had left.

"Hey Lena." She said.

"Hey Cassadee."

"I know they want to come in so I'm going to keep it short. But I wanted to tell you before you leave."

I looked over at her and she seemed to beam with joy. Happiness was written all over her face.

"Lena, I'm pregnant."

I gasped and looked down at her stomach. She lifted the baggy shirt and there it was. A baby bump.

"How far?"

"About four months. That's why we've been in Florida."

I poked the bump and then put my hand over it.

"Just don't say anything to the other guys. We wanna gave a big reveal party when we find out what it is."

"Okay..just..let me know when you come visit."

"We will. I promise."

I hugged her and she went to get the others.

The baby will be about three months old when I get out... I'm going to miss everything.

The guys came in and I put on a small smile to make them happy.

"OMG Alex! There's a spider on the wall!" Jack yelled. Alex squealed like a little girl and ran to the other side of the room. The spider got to the ground and Alex started trying to climb things. Thank god Zack finally stepped on it.

Sometimes my family really scares me...

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