Chapter 8

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"Lena! Do you want to go swimming? There's a place close by that has an indoor pool." Jack asked.

I thought about it, I've been home a few days, and my ribs are still very much visible. I have ugly scars all across my abdomen and the only suit I have is a bikini.

"Pleeeasee?" He whined.

Oh lord. "Yeah sure."

I ran up to my room and changed.


It took me forever to get back downstairs but not because I couldn't find the suit, but because I was staring at my reflection.

"I almost thought you changed your mind."

"I couldn't find this thing." I said, pointing at the strings of my swimming suit under my coverup.

"Let's go!"


When we got to the gym, we put our towels on some chairs to reserve our spot, even though no one was there.

"Let's goo best friend!" Jack yelled and jumped in. I, on the other hand, stared at the clear water, thinking about all the things they could say about me.


I slowly pulled my cover off and threw it to the side. I heard him take in a breath and refused to look him in the eye. I slowly slipped into the cool water.

"Do you want to play a game?" He said after a while. I nodded and slowly met his eyes.

"Don't be ashamed babe. I love you."

"How can you say that Jack?"

"Say what?"

I looked around me for a few seconds. Do I want to do this here? We're in this beautiful pool. Probably the nicest gym pool I've ever seen..and I'm going to ruin this trip?

Of course I do.

"How can you say "don't be ashamed?" What the actual fuck Jack. Yes I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed of my body. Of my scars. Of everything. I hate you. I hate me. I hate everything. You don't love me. The only person you care about is yourself and that's really-" He cut me off with a kiss.

I shoved him away as soon as I realized what was happening.

"What the hell,Jack?!"


"You don't kiss your best friends daughter you fucking douche." I said, climbing out of the pool. I grabbed my towel and ran out as fast as I could. I was almost to the door before I felt my legs go out from under me and everything went black.

Hey guys. It's been a while since I've updated. I'm sorry😢 I've had bunches going on so I'm sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to update again soon❤️

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