Chapter 6

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I finally get to see them! I miss the guys so much. I've talked to them a few times..but not as much as I would like. Every time I call, I get to hear all of their voices. I get to talk to all of them and it really makes me hurt worse and feel better at the same time.

Everyone is coming. They're supposed to be here...right now.

"Lena Gaskarth. You have visitors." I stood as soon as she called my name and ran to her. She led me to the front room and I saw them. I immediately ran to Alex.

I think I scared him because he squealed and fell when I ran into him.

"ALEX I MISSED YOU SO FLIPPING MUCH!" I yelled in his ear.

He smiled and said "I missed you too, L. I missed you too."

I stood and pulled him up. He gave me another hug but was interrupted by Rian pulling me away.

"We missed you sweetie. Cass has a surprise for you." I smiled at him and went to Zack.

"It's so weird seeing you. But I did miss you. " He laughed and I did too.

I gave Kris and Cass hugs too and Cass winked at me. I turned around to find Jack staring at the floor.

I felt tears well up in my eyes. I think he heard me whimper because soon I was wrapped in his arms.

"I got you sweetheart. I missed you so much." He said. I cried into his shirt. I was just so...happy. I missed them so much.

I heard the snap of a camera and groaned.

"Really Zack?"

"Gotta document everything." He said with a smile.

"What's the surprise?!" I asked loudly.

"It's a surprise for everyone actually." Cass said and Rian left and came back with a big box.

I gasped knowing what was happening. They waited for me.

"Guys..." Rian said as he uncovered the front of the box. It read 'it's a...'

It seemed the only people that understood what was going on was Zack and Kristin. I found myself laughing at the stupid looks Alex and Jack had on their faces. They were trying to piece everything together...but had no luck.

Rian pulled out two solid black confetti shooters and handed one to Cassadee. They began counting down and all of a sudden there was pink AND blue confetti everywhere.


I think Alex finally figured it out but Jack was clueless.

"What's going on?" He asked me.

"She's pregnant Jack!"

"She already knows it's gay? I'm confused.."

"TWINS!" I yelled at him.

Realization hit him and his eyes turned into saucers.

"NAME THEM JACK!" He yelled and ran to Cassadee.

"NO!" Cass and Ri yelled back. I saw Jack slow down and he crossed his arms over his chest. He was pouting.

I guess things do work out. I mean...I haven't missed anything. I'm so happy that they waited to do this. It means so much.

"He's being a baby." Alex said, scaring me out of my thoughts.

"Who? Jack? Yeah. He really is." I said. We stood watching everyone around us.


"Please don't leave." I whine to Alex.

"I have to. I'm sorry. I love you. We'll talk soon. And I'll see you before you know it." I nodded and he hugged me.

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