Chapter 7

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"Little G...I'm gonna miss you." Tay said sadly.

"I'm gonna miss you too. But...we gotta go!"I said. I was out of her for good today! I'm so happy...but so scared at the same time.

We walked out to the room where my family was waiting. All of them. Zack, Jack, Alex, Kristin, Rian, Cassadee, and little Jasey and Tom.

Yep. They named her after his own song and him after Alex's brother.

I stopped and felt tears well up in my eyes. This is it. I'm going home.

"LENA!" Rian yelled. Everyone turned and looked at me, waiting for me to step the rest of the way through the door. I was behind Tay slighly so they could barely see me, but enough to know who I was I guess.

"Come on, Lena. Jack is dying to see you. He's asked about you some. I can't tell him the things we talk about but I did update him on how you were doing."

I stepped around her and they gasped.

They haven't seen me in like a month and a half. They are about to start touring and couldn't make it, I said it was okay...but of course it had an impact.

I knew my cheeks were hollow and my eyes were dull. I knew my hands were shaking like crazy and my ribs poked out.

It's not that I didn't eat, it's that I would eat but it would come back up in the middle of the night.

I also knew that my long black hair was covering part of my face and that my lips were stuck in a frown.

This place that was supposed to help me, killed me.


"Hi, Alex." I said slowly, trying to keep the stutter out.

"Are...are you sure you're better?"


I knew he didn't believe me. None of them did. The looks they gave each other said as much. I just hope they take me home. I'll be happy there.

"Well let's get going then." Alex said, a sad smiling playing on his lips.


"Home!" I said, kneeling down and kissing the floor of the house.

"I'm glad you're happy."Jack said.

"I missed all of this."


"You would too if no one wanted to see you." I snapped.

He looked down.

"I'm sorry.."

"No I understand. I'm sorry we weren't there for you."

And he walked away.

Haven't been out three hours and already feel like no one cares. Haven't been HOME for FIVE MINUTES and I've already upset someone. Typical me.

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