The Panic

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"Who were they?" I shouted at Bruno. Bruno was at the kitchen sink wiping his bloody nose. "How the hell would I know Candace?" "Did they have weapons?" I asked Bruno. "No, at least I don't think. But damn, they put up a good fight. Fuck." He held his nose in pain.

"We have to find Peter, Bruno. What are we going to do?" "I really don't know Candace, but we will find him, but I'm going to need you to calm the hell down." He said to me. "Don't tell me to calm down Bruno!" I cried. "That's my baby!"

Bruno picked up the phone and dialed 911. "Hello 911 operator, I'd like to report a break in and kidnapping. My name is Peter Hernandez. Our son was abducted!" Bruno panicked over the phone. He gave them the address to the house and guaranteed they'd be at the house in about 10 minutes.

"Whoever took my baby, I'm going to kill them, and I will make that happen!" I shouted. "Candace we can't take that chance. We have three kids." I put her hands on her hips. "Bruno, you killed Smith, and I killed Lawrence when Peter was 8! What difference is it going to make?" "Candace! You and I BOTH went to jail! Do you want to go back? Because I'll be dammed if I go back!" Bruno shouted.

"I'm getting my son, and maybe he'd appreciate you more if he saw you there to rescue. When I find him and he asks where you are, what do I say? Oh your father didn't want to get in trouble so he decided to sit on his lazy ass watching a wrestling match. Is that what you want?" I asked.

Bruno shook his head and sighed. "No Candy, but not only do we have a son, but we have two girls who are five! You want to miss their accomplishments in school? Extra curriculum activities?" Bruno was right, I didn't want to miss that at all.

"I'm going to find them, dead or alive. I'm getting my son back." "But I can't let you do this alone Candace!" "Then come with me." I held his hand. "We are parents, and we have to make the sacrifice." Bruno rolled his eyes, knowing I was right.

"Okay, we need to think of who'd do this." I said. "Are you fucking serious Candace? Is that really something to think about? I already know who it is." "Well who?" I asked. "Michael Smith. He's trying to get revenge because I killed his father." Bruno explained.

The doorbell rang, "Well its about fucking time." Bruno said walking to the door. Bruno opened the door, and greeted the police. "You reported a break in and abduction?" "Yes sir, I did."

"Do you have an idea of who committed this act?" The officer asked Bruno and I. "Yes, Michael Smith Jr." Bruno announced.

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