The Next Step

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"Good morning passengers, this is your pilot. We are now flying over the beautiful city of Paris. I please urge you to take your seats as we prepare to land. Thank you for flying with us." The pilot concluded.

"I can't believe we're here baby." I said. "This is the city of love, and it wouldn't be perfect witho-" a scream filled the plane, and frightened all of the passengers. I looked up the aisle and one of the attendants had discovered the body in the bathroom. "Call the pilot!" One yelled. "Everything is okay everyone, nothing to worry about." Another announced.

"I wonder what it is." Bruno said as he adjusted himself in his seat. "Oops." I shrugged my shoulders and began packing my bag. "You didn't..." I pulled out the letter and handed it to Bruno. "He had it coming." I said

Bruno took time and read the letter word for word, and understood my action. "He was on the fucking plane?" Bruno asked in a whisper. "Those sons of bitches are watching our every move. We have to play this really cool. Michael knows we're here." I said. "Shit. So what do we do?" Bruno asked. "We play this game right. I'm not giving up my on son."

Bruno opened his hand and said, "Whatever happens, I got your back." I curled my fingers. "And I got yours." I smiled then kissed him.

As we walked into the hotel room, we laid our suitcases onto the bed. I laid out the photos of the 6 men including Michael that contributed in the kidnapping of my son.

"So Matthews is dead." I ripped up his photo. "The next one is Warren. He's at Le Bonnie and Clyde every night." Bruno pointed out. "Well looks like we're going to have some fun tonight." I smiled.

I laid out my clothes and began to hang them up. "But how are we going to get him alone?" I asked. Bruno dropped his head, dissapointed. "What?" I asked. "I can't believe I'm going to say this,'re going to have to sleep with him." "Bruno, what in the hell is wrong with you?" I asked in disgust.

"Not fully. Take him out in an ally. And I'll finish it from there." "I don't know Bruno. That's pushing it really far." I said. "Remember. I got your back. Just trust me. Okay?" Even though this is something I didn't want to do, I knew I had to do this for Peter? "Fine."

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