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"Babe, you ready to get some breakfast at the cafe?" Bruno asked. "Ye-yeah." I stuttered. "You're stuttering. What's wrong?" I faked a smile and said, "Nothing."

"Okay, you got everything?" Bruno asked. I put the blue vial in my purse and said, "Yeah. Let's go."

As we rode the elevator down the main floor, we made our way to the cafe. "Bonjour! Welcome to Café de Paris! Please find a seat that you desire." The hostess said. Bruno walked in front of me, grabbing my hand from behind him.

We chose a booth that was most comfortable for us. The waitress handed us our menus and said, "Do you need time, or do you already know what you would like to drink?" "I'll have hot tea." I ordered. "And I'll have coffee." Bruno smiled. "Okay! I'll be back with those!"

I looked around the cafe, and I found Michael sitting in a far corner where Bruno could not see him.

"I'll be right back babe, I'm going to wash my hands." Bruno said to me. "Okay, take your time."

Once Bruno was out of sight the waitess handed me the drinks. I looked at Michael from a distance who's gestures told me to dump the poison in his drink.

I pulled it out of my purse, and opened it. I happily poured everything into Bruno's cup, and stirred it well.

About a minute or two went by before Bruno returned to the table. "Cheers, to our marriage." I held my glass. "To our love." Bruno smiled.

Bruno sipped on his coffee, and licked the remainder from his lips.

Bruno began to cough. It was gentle from the beginning, but it was harsh as time went on. "Bruno you okay?" I stood up, patting his back. He was beginning to disturb others around him. I saw Michael in the corner smiling and continued to put the newspaper that he had in his face.

"Here, let me take you to the room." I guided Bruno out of the cafe as he was gasping for oxygen. I took him to the elevator, and waited for the doors to open.

The elevator rang and I guided Bruno inside. I looked out the elevator, and saw Michael watching me. He smiled, proud of my work. As the elevator closed I hit Bruno upon his head, knocking him unconscious, making sure Michael saw my dedication to him.

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