The Restaurant

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*Bruno P.O.V.*

"Okay, is everyone ready?" I asked. "Yeah." Kameron, Candace, and Karina's voices staggered.

"Andy, can you hear us?" I spoke into my shirt, which a microphone was clipped onto. "Loud and clear."

We all came to the conclusion to put Andrews loyalty to the test, by wiring him. Michael will not stop until, I, in particular, am dead.

"He's walking in." I heard Andrew say over the earpiece I had. "Okay, everyone, get into position." Candace, Karina, and I began to walk to the kitchen. "Kam, um, whatever happens, I...I just want you to know, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I love you." Karina said to Kameron. "I love you too babygirl." Kameron kissed and hugged her.

"Karina let's go!" Candace whispered. The two ran back to the kitchen, and posed as the cooks in the restaurant. Kameron went out to the floor, where Andrew and Michael were seated.

I finally followed the women back into kitchen, and had a view of the two, but they had no visual of me. "Andrew, ask Michael what his upcoming plans are for Candace and I."

"So, Mike, since you gave the kid back, what are your plans now?" Andrew asked. "I'm going to keep trying until I get what I want." I heard Michael say. "And what is that?" Andrew asked. "Killing Candace and Bruno."

"Do you ever fear that they're ever...ahead of you?" Andrew asked. "No, they're always behind me." "Why do you think you that?" I saw Michael stand up and walk over to Andrew. "Because I know they wired you." Michael ripped open Andrews shirt, exposing the wires hooked onto his shirt.

Michael pulled out a gun and pointed the gun up to the ceiling, and opened fired. "Get out!" He shouted. "Get out now!"

Michael fired two more rounds, until the restaurant was absolutely clear. I ran through the crowd to get Candace and Karina. The cooks were still in the kitchen, trying to figure out what was happening.

"Courir! Il y a un homme avec une arme à feu!"

Translation: Run! There's a man with a gun!

Karina shouted. The cooks immediately ran out and it was only us 3. "Where's Kameron!?" Karina panicked. "He's fine. Michael didn't shoot at anyone, just the roof.

"Bruno! Candace! get your ass out here! Michael yelled. I attempted to stand up, but Candace pulled me down. "Bruno, no." Her eyes were glossy. "Don't leave. I don't want you getting killed. Let's just surrender. Please." Candace grabbed my hand. "Sometimes you got to make sacrifices for your family." I kissed her precious sweet lips. "I love you Candace Natalia Loviano-Hernandez." I smiled.

I stood up this time straight up. "Bruno!" Candace whispered. "Michael!" I yelled. "You caught me, and I know you're goal is to see me dead." My hands were up. I was bold to walk out unarmed, because this is going to end.


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