Cast - The Family

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Alicia  (the main character) - thirteen years old and the complete opposite of her twin sister. Girly, fun and naive, she is the only member of her large family that doesn't really care about sports - which will surprise you following what is to come.

Hailey - Alicia's twin who is, as you guessed, thirteen as well. She is a complete tomboy and her brothers know not to mess with her because she fights back with fire, despite being the second youngest. It seems appropiate to add that Hailey loves sport, and dedicates most of her free time to it.

Jake - fourteen years old and thinks he's as cool as beans. Captain of his year's basketball team, it's rare when he's not practicing and often has his friends round for a game. He loves to mess around but when he doesn't, he tends to get along with Alicia quite well.

Dylan - fifteen and your typical bad boy. He skips school, is always in trouble and all the teachers hate him. He boxes and so is quite muscly, which is probably why most the girls in his year fall at his feet. Being 'famous' at school he expects his family to treat him like a rock star too, but of course they don't. He torments Alicia constantly, but deep down you can tell that there's some love there amongst it all.

Tyler - sixteen and the king of mischief, always thinking of the next prank that he can pull. He's incredibly fast, and the best sprinter in his year so he is therefore on the track team. 

Callum and Elliott - seventeen and the other set of twins in the family. Aside from modeling and playing girls they both do archery and cricket.

Aaron - eighteen and obsessed with going to the gym, as he has always wanted to be a professional football player so puts the extra mile in wherever he can. As well as being on the school team, he is also the striker in the football club that he goes to, which always is on the watch by scouts. 

Theo -  nineteen, the only one who's in a serious relationship. Him and Jasmine have both been going out for about four years, and make a really cute couple.

Nick - who is twenty and the oldest of the lot. He's like another parent to his younger siblings because of how mature and responsible he is, but can equally balance his role in the family with the fun and mischief that he joins in with at times as well. 

The characters that I have mentioned to you so far, all live in London and often by themselves as although their parents love them a lot, they are normally very busy with work. Owning a popular record label has its perks, one of them being the massive house that they all live in, but it does mean that they don't get to see their parents as often as they'd like to.

But moving on, it feels like we've covered everyone - so let's get the story started!

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