A surprisingly great day at school!

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Their laughter soon died down when they realised what our mum had just said, "You're not being serious right?" Said my oldest brother Nick.
"I am completely serious boys, how long will this hair dye last?" She said.
"Only about 4 weeks," said Dylan.
"What!?!" I demanded, "You're not being serious, right?"
"Um yeah" Elliott said.
"Well, for 4 weeks you all have to do whatever I want you to do. Is that okay mum?" I asked.
"Yes, that's fine princess. Hopefully it will teach the boys a lesson" she replied.
That really set them off complaining,
"What?" "That's not fair!" "You can't be serious?!?"
"Here Tyler, you can carry my bag. There's not enough time for us all to have breakfast now," I told them, shrugging.

I passed him my school bag, and grabbed a waffle off of the kitchen table before following the rest of my siblings to the car. The Mercedes-Benz sprinter van, which just about fits all of us in (as it is a 12-seater.), was waiting in the drive, and I took a seat in the front - fastening my seat belt before we drove off.

We pulled up at school 15 minutes later and 6 of us piled out, the others goin to college. I saw Amy and Cara (my best friends) sat at our table near the fountain, and left my siblings to go and join them. Amy looked up as I sat down and merely said "Oh my God" causing Cara to look up and laugh.
"Alicia, why didn't you tell us you were going to do this and we all could've dyed our hair together." Cara said.
"I didn't do this" I said, "my brothers did!"
"Oh right" Amy said whilst laughing.
"I've always wanted to dye my hair, we can all have it done for summer!" Cara said excitedly,
"Oooooh yeah, it'll look so great at camp and on holiday!" Amy replied.
"Are you being serious?" I said.
"Yeah" said Cara,
"Well if you're going to get yours, I'm getting mine done properly" I said.
"It's a date," said Amy
"Let's go tomorrow, you can come back to my house tonight and we can decide what to get" I said.
"Great" they both replied.
Them the bell went, and we all walked to class. The first lesson we had was science, and before I sat down, my teacher told me to move to the back of the class and sit in the empty seat. I turned around and nearly died when I realised it was next to Harry Martinez, the hottest boy in my year. I walked over to him whilst adjusting my hair and sat down confidently. He turned around and smiled, his piercing green eyes enchanting me, "Hey" he said casually.

"Hi" I said back,
"You've got a twin right?" He said,
"Yeah, but I bet you can't guess which one I am," I replied with as little enthusiasm as possible, I didn't want to come on too strong.

"Yeah I can, you're Alicia right. The pretty one" he said flirtatiously.
Oh my God, did that actually just happen? I think I just died! "I guess you could say that," I said and flicked my hair.
"Nice hair" he said,
"Oh right, this. My brothers did it to me" I told him,
"It looks pretty cool, I don't know anyone else who could pull it off!" He said, "we should go out sometime."
"Cool, that sounds great!" I said, my wildest dreams coming true. "Here I'll give you my number," I took his homework journal, wrote my number and signed it with my name and a love heart.
Who knew I might actually be thankful that my brothers are idiots, I guess you learn something new everyday.

The youngest one - living with brothers Where stories live. Discover now