A Surprise Visitor

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    "Where is this bitch," I think to myself as I sat next to Janelle waiting for her bestie

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    "Where is this bitch," I think to myself as I sat next to Janelle waiting for her bestie. I was anxious to meet her and at the same time, I felt some type of way because she's with Chris, so was I, and we both really love him. On the other hand, I knew how much he wanted to be with her and we're still really close since we work on 'The Kill' together so I wouldn't come between them.

      I feel like meeting her for the first time will go really well too and for that reason, my anxiety made me so impatient! I can't wait any damn longer for Giselle to get here! "Janelle-" She cut me off immediately: "Kae don't start! She's not even close to the hotel yet..." "WHAT?!" How is she NOT close when she left the studio 30 MINUTES AGO and there isn't much traffic because of what time it was?!

      On top of that, Giselle herself told us that she was on her way because the paparazzi got a tip that Chris was at the dance studio with her and Bey. "She ran into Mama J who's makin her 'fix things' with Chris..." And just like that, I had my answer; hearing it causing my jaw to hit the floor. J's behind the reason her best friend isn't here yet because she found a way to keep the plan going. The only thing that bothered me was how they involved Chris' mom in this.

      "I get it; you're continuing the plan, but why involve Mama J?" "Because reuniting her with Giselle in front of the hotel, when there's paparazzi left and right, will make sure that the public will witness one forcing the other into the car with them so they can 'talk.'" Now it's making sense... The paparazzi will recognize the car Mama J drove as the rental from the dance studio and she took it so she had a chance to see Giselle, who rented the car, and return it to her.

      The best part is how in front of everyone, Chris' mom forced his girl to go to his place to hash everything out which they did the night before. I nod in agreement and after clarifying that I was thinking the right thing; with a smile on my face. All because I know that by the end of the night, nothing's going happen between the two lovebirds blowing their cover with Rihanna. When she gets off the plane if she hasn't already that is...

      As far as Chris and Giselle goes, we all know that they won't blow their cover but once the media puts out the headlines, everyone's either going to think they talked it out so they're friends again or that they're back together. Seeing how all of this was putting our ultimate goal in place made me smile too; I'm excited to see when Rihanna's bitch ass is finally exposed. That shit is gonna go down in music HISTORY and I'm a part of it!

      "This shit could actually work Janelle and I thought that before but after seeing how it's playing out so well, I'm more positive it will." I have no idea why I was somehow doubting that this would work but at the same time, that bitch broke up not just Chris and Giselle, but my relationship with him as well.. I guess because of that, I was worried that when it looked like we were once step ahead of that hoe, she would strike and show us how much better she is at the game. After all she fuckin started it.

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