The Final Take-Down And Becoming A Family

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Two days later:

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Two days later:

      I was with Devon, Chris, Giselle, Navaé, Bey, and Jay waiting for Rihanna's ass to arrive. The head of the adoption agency that finally fessed up to us just arrived and were on their way up which we were using to show that bitch she was caught. Once we get a confession she was gonna be arrested. No going home this time for her; us letting her do that was letting her off to easy in the first place but now, no more. Bey and I were dressed to fight in our work out clothes and our hair in buns, no earrings. "Ok... She'll be here any minute so I'm gonna take lil mama here to my mom," Giselle says breaking the awkward silence in the room.

      "No, I'll do it. You relax and sit down babe. Besides, we all know what I'll do when I see her anyway and if I don't take her to give me a moment to calm down, it'll be ten times worse," Chris replied. I don't blame him for that either. "I don't know," Dev states joining the conversation and I see my bestie and her man give him death glares. "Babe. Let him take her. You don't know Giselle's mom like that anyway," I add hoping to diffuse the situation. "Fine." With that, my goddaughter/niece squeals about Chris taking her to see her grandmother and they were gone. Seconds later in comes Rihanna. Here we go; show time!



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      "Uh... I thought I was punished enough already so why am I here," that bitch asks nervously. I could fucking care less and just like Janelle, I came here to beat her ass for all the shit she's done and caused. "Well... I don't know bitch, you tell us! That is your friend from the adoption agency that you got from my husband's computer snooping right," I demand to know smirking as I point letting her know she was caught. "Well of course! But why does that matter exactly?" Mmmmm... so she wanna play dumb like we don't already know what the fuck she did! I got something for her ass!

      I walk up to her and smack her across the face.  "WHAT THE FUCK," she yelled holding her cheek where I hit her. "Don't give me that bullshit ok? Everyone in this room knows how you put Giselle's daughter up for adoption in an attempt to keep her and Chris apart for good! They confessed so you're caught AGAIN! This time though, that ass won't get off so easily. First, we're gonna kick your ass, me because you doing the shit you did could've messed up my husband's reputation and I warned you what would happen if you did anything that could do that, and Janelle simply because she's Giselle's bestie and for obvious reason being she's with child; she can't beat your ass herself."

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