chapter 2-Embarassment

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Tobins POV
I cower away from her glare, looking over her shoulder to see Servando on the ground, nose still bleeding, but a devious smirk on his face.

"Dirty bastard." I murmur to myself as I start to turn away from the scene, but I guess Alex hears my comment.

She puts her hands on my chest, shoving my back into the lockers, making me hit my head with a loud thud. I groan in pain, holding the back of my head.

Damn this girls got a ton of strength.

"I don't know what your god damn problem is, but you have no right to lay your damn hands on my boyfriend, then call him a bastard!" She yells in my face, rage flashing all over.

By now, a large crowd had gathered around the scene and I was again, humiliated.

"I don't expect you to believe me. But he's lying to you Alex! He's been attacking me for God knows how long and-" I try to reason but servando finally speaks up.

"Stop trying to be an attention whore Heath! If I've been doing all of that then why hasn't anyone said anything? Stop trying to get yourself the pity of everyone, cause I can guarantee that nobody cares about you." Servando says finally picking his sorry ass off the floor and I feel a pang of sadness wash over me, but I don't dare to let that show.

"Shut up! You're an asshole to me and that's all you've ever been!" I shout back at him, but Alex finally snapped, as she grabs me by the collar of my shirt, making me face her and she slaps me hard across the face making the crowd yell and cheer.

I look at her first in disbelief, then look around in embarrassment.

Everyone was laughing and pointing at me, yelling names at me and I look back at Alex, for a second she has a look of sorrow on her face, but it turns back into anger.

"Get lost Heath." She says calmer than she was earlier, and I feel tears sting my eyes and I put my head down in shame, running to the bathroom with tears streaming down my face.

'Good thinking you idiot! You should've just taken the beating anyways. You deserved it.' I think to myself along with so many other things.

I run to the nearest bathroom, yet the chants of Alex's name are still in hearing range and I crash down to the floor in a bathroom stall, locking the door, converting my ears as I break down into sobs.

"Stop it! Just stop!" I yell, trying to stop the chants and the thoughts from sending me into a frenzy.

I can't believe I just got humiliated in front of the school like that. This was by far, the worst day I've probably ever had. I didn't care that Servando embarrassed me, but the fact that my biggest crush was the one that embarrassed me is what hurt.

I reached into my pocket pulling out my wallet which holds my best friend and my worst enemy.

I pull out the silver blade, tears blurring my vision, but I hold the blade against my wrist, feeling the chill of the blade against my wrist, as I slowly run the blade across it, feeling the little sting, but shortly feeling nothing at all.

I repeat this process about five times, going deep enough that I had blood running down my arm on the floor but I didn't care.

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