Chapter 10-Meeting Someone New

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Lexas POV
The school day goes by slower than me walking to math class and I didn't like it.

I was looking forward to visiting Tobin since obviously she wasn't coming to school for a bit, and that's probably what made time go by so damn slow. Ugh

I sat in my final period, waiting for this stupid ass bell to ring, and maybe a little overly dramatically jumping out of my seat about to run out of the door, but I guess my teacher had other plans.

"Lexa, sit down! The bell does not dismiss you, I do!" She yells at me and I just groan.

"Oh yeah? Then on my schedule, why does it say dismissal bell huh? The bell dismisses me." I say back and I get ooo's all around the classroom. These idiots.

"I do not care what it says on your schedule. You will sit down and listen to MY rules in my classroom." She scowls back and I just groan, sitting back down not wanting to get detention.

She dismisses everyone one by one, of course dismissing everyone before me, just to piss me off, and when she finally told me to leave, I jumped out of my seat, running out of the classroom door, pushing people out of my way.

As I run to my locker, I pass by Clarkes, seeing that she was talking with some guy, I knew his name and face, but nothing much about him, but he was getting too damn close to my girl.

He had he pressed up against the lockers, inching closer and closer to her as he has his right side against the lockers right in front of her, leaning on the lockers and I felt everything inside of me boil.

Clarke looked like she was trying to tell him something, what it was, I don't know. But before I knew it, his lips were pressed on hers and all hell went loose in my body.

I dropped my books on the floor, running angrily up two the pair and before Clarke detached their lips, I pushed the dude off, ignoring his protests against it as I slapped him across the face.

"Why the fuck are you kissing my girlfriend?!" I yelled in his face. He just looked back at me with a cocky smirk, and this definitely further pissed me off.

"Because, she deserves a man. A man who can treat her right. A man who can protect and love her. You... are no man. You can't give her the things I can." He says and I swear I was about to lose it on his ass.

Clarke tries to come up from behind me, wrapping her arms around my arm, but I gently pushed her away, she wasn't getting off like that.

"Maybe I can't do everything that you can, I don't have a dick. But I'm also not a dick. I'd recommend you get lost before I kick your stupid, cocky, little dick having self where the sun doesn't shine and make you lose your privileges of having children." I threaten, and he scoffs, sending a wink in Clarkes direction, before walking off in the other direction.

As he walks off, I finally turn around, and a very nervous Clarke was looking at me as I tried to control my urges to yell at her to get some answers.

"Clarke what the fuck was that?! Are you fucking cheating on me!" I yell, failing miserably at containing my absolute rage and she cowers back, flinching a little at how close I had gotten to her face.

"No! Lexa I'm not cheating on you! And you should know I wouldn't." She says but I chuckle dryly.

"Yeah so that's why I saw you with your lips pressed against his right?" I say coldly and she shakes her head.

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