Chapter 9- Just Visiting

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Tobins POV

It was Friday morning, and the images of the so called 'Fight Night' still haven't left my head.

Lexa and Clarke helped ease the pain I felt, emotionally and mentally at least. But physically it felt almost Impossible to move, but I'm getting somewhere with all this.

Clarke and Lexa usually came by after school, the only time I saw Hope was when they took me here and I woke up from blacking out. But the one person I haven't heard from was Alex, and that disappointed me.

I'm not saying it was her fault any of this happened to me because quite frankly it wasn't, I'm just saying it would've been nice if she was here to check up on me, but I can't get my hopes up. Why would she anyways.

I get the remote from the stand next to my bed, flipping through the channels finding nothing interesting. I didn't watch much on tv, the orignial tv shows such as spongebob or criminal minds was enough To satisfy me. But I finally settled on Law and Order, turning the TV up a bit.

My body started aching more and more but I knew there was nothing the doctors could do to really take away the pain. I was almost at the max dosage of morphine.

I felt like crying after half an hour of my body aching, I don't know what was happening but the pain of yesterday was coming back in a throbbing pain sort of way, and it was painful.

Thankfully, a nurse finally came in and I immediately was thankful.

"Nurse please, can you up the morphine, I'm in a lot of pain and I need it gone, please, just a little bit." I ask and she nods, telling me I couldn't go much higher, but also that I had a visitor who was here to visit me.

I tilt my head to the side in confusion, everyone was in school currently, and I know none of them would skip just to see me.

But surprisingly... actually very surprisingly. As soon as the nurse left, Alex walked in with a small teddy bear and some type of container in her hands with a light, but sorrow filled smile on her face.

" Hey Tobin, is it alright if we talk for a little bit?" She asks lightly and I nod frantically, but i stop when I feel a sharp pain in my upper spine and I immediately stop, groaning in pain.

She notices this and rushes over to my side, noticing my discomfort, putting her hands behind my neck, lifting it a bit and rubbing the spot on my back where it had felt the pain.

At first, it was painful and I was about to push her away, until I started to feel her soothe the pain, and I felt myself relax as she stopped, gently laying my head back, and taking a chair, scooting it up to my bed.

"How'd you know that'd help?" I ask in confusion and she just shrugs with a light smile.

"My dad... he used to tell me a a lot... he studied the human body and went to med school for a little bit before becoming a businessman." She says, and for a second, I swear I saw a look of fear, but it was gone as quick as it came, and I didn't know what that look was, but I decided not to question it either.

"I also... um I know it's not anything real special, but I got you a card and a teddy bear, just for you to hold on when nobody's in here with you, and I know hospital food can be pretty gross... so I just made a quick PB&J for you... I hope you're not allergic to peanut butter." She says before handing it to me and I smile, shaking my head as she gives me the container and teddy bear.

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