Chapter 7- Alex

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Lexas POV
Clarke and I both rushed into the car, looking into the backseat and seeing that Tobin had blacked out.

Alex was still running to her car in the front of the parking lot so I put the car into drive, driving to the parking spot next to her.

"Hurry up we gotta go!" Alex yelled to Hope who was a couple feet behind her as the two of them jumped into her car, Hope in the passenger seat.

"Let's go! Lead the way!" I yell at Alex through my window still quite angry... raged even.

She put the car into reverse, backing up until she could turn her car to get out of the parking lot, then leading the way to her place.

"Babe, I know you're still mad, quite frankly, I am too. But she's helping us to the hospital and if anything, you don't have to like her, but at least respect her because she is helping Tobin." Clarke says and I try and breathe to calm myself.

"I know. But that bitches boyfriend and best friend messed up my little sister, she's not off the hook that easily." I say frustrated.

Tobin was basically the little sister I never had. We've known each other for a couple years now and not gonna lie, at first I was hesitant to become friends with her, I used to be scared because I wasn't sure how to help. I knew she had lost both of her parents and had Been dealing with major depression and all that, I didn't know what to do to help. But I wanted to try anyways, and that's how things between Tobin and I started.

Our friendship became stronger and stronger. Clarke and I were dating when I met Tobin our freshman year, and Tobin used to be quite shocked that I was gay. It was quite funny actually.

She used to be like a shy puppy to the idea of being gay. She probably knew she was, but saying it aloud was new to her. Especially saying it to other people, adds pressure. But overtime she started getting more comfortable, even asking me questions about what it's like to be with a girl.. I found it quite shocking she's never dated anyone. But later that year, she finally came out to us, and I couldn't have been any more proud of her.

The memories that had flooded back into my head, made me smile and laugh a little, attracting Clarkes attention as she grabs my hand, giving me a light smile.

"It's about time you've loosened up. I think tobins doing alright, she's still out and needs medical attention, but i don't want us to be freaking out trying to get her to the hospital." Clarke says and I nod.

After a few more minutes of driving, we finally turn into the emergency parking lot of the hospital as I find the closet parking spot.

I put the car in park, getting out, and push the seats forward, quickly, yet lightly grabbing Tobin, picking her up and jog to the  doors with Alex, Clarke, and Hope.

As soon as we enter the physicality, the lady at the stand quickly rushes to the double doors, calling for nurses as everyone's attention was now drawn to us.

Four doctors rush out with a stretcher, telling me to lay Tobin down on it as they bark orders at one another and finally the lady that was standing in the front ushered us to have a seat.

"No no no, what do you mean please have a seat? I need to make sure she's okay!" I yell trying to fight back as they take Tobin behind the doors into wherever.

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