Request - Jake Riley "Promise"

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"Where are you going?" You were looking at Jake gearing up. You didn't like when he went out for a patrol. You didn't like when he left the hospital all together. The longer this cordon lasted, the more afraid you were starting to become you wouldn't see him again after one of those. 

"I thought you did your round this morning already?" You understood why he had to do those, at least. He was a police officer. He had his duties, and with him being more or less in charge of everyone inside of the cordon, he didn't have much of a choice.

"Lex asked me if I could give this to Jana. We might be on track of discovering something. Y/N." Jake took out the usb drive before putting it back into his pocket. He continued putting on his jacket, taking his gloves from the table, ready to put them on as soon as he would leave the hospital.

"A usb drive? The world is going mad out there, and you need to see Jana for whatever is on there?" Your eyes grew big. What if this was all some kind of trick? You knew what Jake had felt for Jana once. And he had told you he saw her at the food drop.
"Can't you just stay here? I mean... it can't be that important, can it? And you keep telling me to stay here because it's so dangerous out there..."

Jake sighed.
"I wish I could, ok? Don't you think I'd rather throw away all the responsibilities everyone thinks I should be taking and sit this one out? But I can't, ok? I might not have signed up for this, but I need to do it..." He was tempted to step towards you, but he couldn't. Four to six feet... damned distance...
"But this might change everything. Everything we know, everything everyone has told us, so I need to have Jana look at it. Someone deleted everything on this thing, and that wasn't a coincidence."

You wished you could take it out of his hand, plug it into a computer and astonish him with your miracle work as a computer nerd, but you knew you couldn't. You were good enough with a computer to do everything work asked of you, but this? You hated to admit it, but he did need Jana to do this. Or one of her colleagues, but he didn't know them.
"Will you at least think about me when you're gone?"

He smiled, pressing a kiss on his fingers and blowing it to you.
"All the time. I promise."

You chuckled.
"Don't make promises you can't keep. I know you. You get distracted so easily..."

He shrugged.
"Not when it comes to you. Remember what I told you when we were sitting in the hallway lately? I might not talk easily, Y/N. But I want to come back to you, and I'm going to do everything it takes to make that happen. Trust me..."

You nodded.
"I'll try... I just get so itchy from being locked in here all the time. Like it's never going to end. Like they are going to let this run out, open everything back up, clean us out and start over again. I'm frightened, Jake. I don't want to become collateral damage..."

"Me neither...", he said, suddenly turning very serious. "Which is why I have to do this. I need to know the truth, and I need you to know it. I'll be back before you know it, ok? I promise."

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